The Spring City Election
The city election comes on apace. Yet there has been very little talk concerning it. . The Democrat, through an editorial writer, has been booming a citizens' ticket, but citizens' movements in this city have hitherto proven unsuccessful, and it is not likely that at this late day a citizens' ticket will be placed in the field in this city. The prohibitionists express their intention of running a straight-out ticket, and, of course, the democrats and republi-cans will do likewise. It behooves the p.arties to put their best men to the front. The best men, it is true, are not as a rule anxious to accept office, but unless they have already put in time for the city, as good citizens they have no right to refuse the offices which seek them. Capt. Manly's term as mayor expires. As the probabilities are that the captain will not be in the city next year, he is not seeking the office again, as he did not seek it last year, but would, in all probabilability be obliged to decline it, if proffered. The democrats have not centered upona candidate. In fact, they are all at sea. A few ñames have been mentioned, F. A. Howlett, Louis P. Leisemer, Christian Martin, Dr. Kapp, Frederick Schmid and Judge Harriman, for instance. Aid. Martin, of the second, has quite a good many friends who are pointing out his qualifications. The German Workingmen's Society holds its state meeting this year,and many of our Germán citizens think it would be appropriate to have a mayor to address them in the German language. This accounts, probably for the large preponderance of Germán ñames among the candidates mentioned. The republicans are talking some of nominating Reginald Spokes, who made the run last year. E. F. Mills, the dry goods man, is the favorite in the Register's ballot. J. T. Jacobs is very favorably mentioned and William Biggs, the contractor, is considered eligible. No candidates are mentioned among the prohibitionists. City Clerk James R. Bach's term expires, and he is a candidate for renomination. Aid. William Miller has also shied his castor into the ring, and the race for city clerk promises to be a hot one. Assessor P. O'Hearn deserves and will obtain a second term for he will not only be nominated but will be triumphantlyre-elected. Justice' E. B. Pond 's term expires. Ann Arbor never had a better justice. He is mentioned for renomination. Lawyer Charles Kline is also talked of in connection with the nomination. No qne wants the republican nomination so far as heard f rom. Ia the first ward, Aid. Dieterle's term expires and it is understood that he is averse to a renomination. No ñames are mentioned in connection with the place on either ticket. Prof. M. E. Cooley would be an admirable name to go on the democratie ticket. In the second ward Aid. Chris. Martin's term expires and hc will not accept renomination. John Meyer and John Koch have been mentioned for the democratie nomination. In the third ward Aid. Snow will undoubtedly be renominated by the democrats. James Saunders, froru present appearances, may head the republican ticket. In the fourth ward Aid. O'Mara, a good alderman, will probably be renominated though he is averse to accepting it. Henry Meuth is also mentioned. In the fifth ward Aid. Spaffard's term expires. We have heard no talk concerning the ward ticket.. In the sixth ward Aid. A. F. Martin's term expires. If the new addition to the city is made before the spring election, Evart H. Scott may head the republican ward ticket. Other names will be heard from as election approaches and the Argus will be pleased to give the names of all mentioned.
Elections - Ann Arbor
Elections - Candidates
Old News
Ann Arbor Argus
F. A. Howlett
Louis P. Leisemer
Christian Martin
Frederick Schmid
William D. Harriman
E. F. Mills
J. T. Jacobs
William Biggs
James R. Bach
William Miller
Patrick O'Hearn
E. B. Pond
Charles Kline
James Saunders
Henry Meuth
A. F. Martin
Evart H. Scott