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will be held at the office of James R Bacb, No. 16 EastJHuron street, in said city, on Tuesday, March 81, A.D. 1891 for the purpose of registering new electors in said ward in said city, who may apply for that purpose, and tha said board of registration will be in session on the day and the place afore said, from eight o'clock in the forenoon to eight o'clock in the afternoon, fo the purposes aforesaid. Bated March 10, A. D. 1891. JohnR. Miner, Eugene Mann, W. G. DlETERLE, Board of Reg-istration To the Electors of the Second Ward ot the City of Ann Arbor. Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the board of registration of tht, seoond waid of the city of Ann Arbor will be held at the store of William Herz, Number four West Washington street, in said city, on Tuesday, March 81, A. D. 1891, for the purpose of reg isteriug new electors in said ward, in said city, who may apply for that pur pose, and that said board of registra tion will be in session on the day am at the place aforesaid, from eigh o'clock in the forenoon to eight o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose afore said. Dated March 10, A. D. 1891. William Herz, EuGEXE OüSTERLIïT, . Christian Martin, Board of Registration To the Electors of the Thlrd Ward of the City of Ann Arbor. Notice is hereby given that a meet ing of the board of registration of the third ward of the city of Ann Arbor will be held at the office oí C. H Manly in the basement of the Cour House, in said city, on Tuesday, March 31, A. D. 1891, for the purpose of reg istering the names of new electors in said ward in said city, who may ap ply for that purpose, and that said board of registration will be in sessioi on the day and at the place aforesaid from eight o'clock in the forenoon to eight o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose aforesaid. Dated, March 10, A. D. 1891. James Kearns, W. G. Snow, W. E. Walker, Board of Registration, To the Electors of the Fourth Ward of the City of Ann Arbor. ÜSTotice is hereby given that a meeting of the board of registration of the fourth ward of the city of Ann Arbor will be held at the Engine House, in said city, on Tuesday, March 81, A. D. 1891, for the purpose of registering the names of new electors in said ward, in said city, who may apply for that purpose, and that said board of registration will be in session on the day and at the place aforesaid, from eight o'clock in the forenoon to eight o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose aforesaid. Dated, March 10, A. D. 1891. Ambrose Keakney, W. J. MlLLEIÏ, John O'Maka, Board of Beg-istration. To the Electors of the FIfth Ward of the City of Ann Arbor. Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the board of registration of the fif th ward of tne city of Ann Arbor will be held at the Fifth Ward Engine House, in said city, on Tuesday, Maren 31, A. D, 1891, for the purpose of registering the naines of new electors in said ward, in said city, who may apply for that purpose, and that said board of registration will be in session on the day, and at the place aforesaid, from eight o'elock in the forenoon to eight o'clock in the afternoon, for the pur)ose aforesaid. Dated, March 31, A. D. 1891. Oscar C. Spafford. AllOS COREY, W alter L. Taylor, Board oí Registration. Estáte of Arthur Coe. OTATE ÜP MICHIGAN, COUNTY J of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the 'róbate Court for the County of Washtenaw olden at the;Probate Office in the City of Ana Arbor, on Wednesday. the 18th day of Muren, in the year one thousand eight hum) red and mnetrone. Present. J. Wíllard Babbitt, Jndge of Probate In the matter oí the estáte ol Arthur Coe deceased. Henry Coe, ejecutor of the last will and testament of saiddeeeased, comes into court and leoresentathathe is now prepared to render his final acconnt as such executor. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuesday, the 14th day of April next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigued for eiamining and allowing such account, and thai the deviseet, leñatees and heirs at law of said deceased and all otoer persons interested in Baid estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Ornee, in the city of Aun Arbor, in said county, and show cause, if any there be, why the 8 .id ..ccount should not be allowed : And it is fnrther ordered, that Baid executor give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendeney ofsaia account, and the hearing thereof1, by causinga copy of tliis order to be published in the Ass Aruor A RG U8, a newsoaper d rin ttd and ei reu lat ing in said county, th ree successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. J. W1LLARD BABUITT, lAtruecopy.) Judge of Probate WilliamG.Ooty. Probate KeeUter. 1KA 133J1S B93J8IIJ0 ÍÜBlíl'K ií: 'üog í 'S 'n jQ$S&íx?% ■ji.ijitii'.utíidpom of{ 'uaAja ASvVHRwLáHk ■xa ounoajag áiMj-'l'l'-'PJUl 1 IItJPM -mvd puw eojApv 'ffunooJSl II C I I ' r t3 v. 9D3 ii i pojn:i.)sojil wrs) 1 1 1 H I I 1 'JEW Ëiuditiöüuiijtti 'U4UJ[ aFSgni" F Jfy Llii.íuiiiSifim jmv Bastías %K9e99OP[%v n "opum fition"!111111''! vVNlfWr ofjjnnoo u8ioj'oj n Puu CfcA ,Pm TA sa.naasiviao&ui3iYJ míQg0r