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Wc'll write it down till everybody secs it Till everybody is sick of seeing it TiL everybody knows it without seeiñg it - that Dr. Sage's Catarrh Rem edy cures the worst cases o chronic catarrh in the hcad catarrhal headache, and "cok in the head." In perfect faith, its makers the World's Dispensary Med ical Association of Buffalo N. Y., offers to pay $500 to any one suffering from chronic catarrh in the head whom they cannot cure. Now if the conditions were reversed - if they asked you to pay $500 for a positive cure you might hesitate. Here are reputable men, with years of honorable dealing ; thousands of dollars and a great name back of them and they say- " We can cure you because we've cured thousands like you - if we can't we'll pay you $500 for the knowledge that there's one whom we can't cure." They believe in themselves. Isn't it worth a .trial ? Isn't any trial preferable to catarrh? T Wnfl in fflióhigan UülWÜ ForSale. 300 Aero four and one-half miles from Ovid. Clinton Co., known as the Scott Farm "243'í Acres near Quiney, Branch Co., known as the Berry Farm. 157 Acres near Marlette. Banilac Co., known as the Murray Farm. Tï Acres in the Village of Vernon, Shia wa8gee Co. 40 Acre in the Townshlp of Fairfleld ihiawassee Co., knuwn as the Lattimer Farm. 80 Acres noar Olivet, Eaton Co., known as thü Dowler Farm. 80 Acres near Midland, Midland Co. known as the Fogter Farm. 8O Acres ntar Leutz, Saginaw Co., known as the Cobb Karm. 89 Acres Thornton, St. Clair Co. known as the Hilliker Fmin. 120 Acres near Advance. Charleyoix Co. known as the Hayes Farm. 8O Acres In Montcalm Co., four miles (ram RIverdale. known as the Fisk Farm . 2O Acres i" the City of Niles, Bcrrien Co. Also timbered and iinimproved lands in Tuscola, Hanilrtc, Huron, Monroe, Ottawa, Muskegon, Osoeola. Rosoommon, Montmoreney, Alpenn, Grand Traverse, Kalkaska, Cbeboyjran, Maokinac. Benzie, Mlssaukee. Isabella, Wexford, (initiot a"d tíaginaw Counties. For par ticulars apply to lui mis & cq. DETROIT, MICH. The Press (NEW YOEK) FOK 1891. OAILY. SUNDAY. WEEKLY. 6 pages, lc. 30 pages, ie. 8 or 10 paires, 2c. The Aggressive Eepublican Journal Of the Metropolis A BEWSPAPER FOK THE MASSES Founded December lst, 1887. Circulation over 100,000 copies Thk Press is the orsran of nofaction; pulls no wlres; has no aniraosities to avenge. The most remarkable Newspaper Suceess in New York. The Press is a National Newspaper Cheap news, vulgar sensauons and trash flnd no place in the columns of The Press. The PRBSS has the liriírhtest Editorial page in New York. It sparkles with points. The Pkess Sunday Edition is a splendid venty pago paper, covering: every current topic of interest. The Press Weekly Edition contains all the #ood things of the Dailv and Sunday editions. For those who cannot afford the Daily or areprevented by distance f rom early reeeiving it, The Weekly is a splendid substitute. AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM The Pkess has no superior in New York. THE PRESS. Wilhin tlic reach of all. The hest and cheapest Newxpaper putilished in America. Daily and Sunday, one Year, $5-00 " " " Gmonths, 2.50 " " " one " 46 " only, one Year, 3 00 " " four months, 1.00 Sunday, one Year, 2.00 Weekly Press, one year, 1.00 Send for The Press Circular. Samples f ree. Agente wantod everywhere. Liberal commiesione. Address, THE PRESS. Potter Building, S8 Park Eow. New York. MANHOOD RESTORED. fi JfSi ynderful panlsh fe j3 VrittenGuaranteo jSajy, Alcmory. Loss of Braln i JffSSjÈmL aet ulnesa. Lost Man' c áí ■■ eltude, all drolns' and : Before & After Use. ioss of power of the Photographed 'f roui llfe. Gencri.t've Organs, In .mmÊmBmmmÊmJ elthcr sex, caweed by over-ciertlon, youthful lndescretloos. or the eicesslve use of tobáceo, oplutn, or stimulante, whlch ultlmately ! lead to Inflrmltj1, Consumptlon and Iusanlty. Put up ín convenlent form to carry ín the vest pocket. Prlce f 1 a package, or 6 for t5. wlth every t5 order we glve s writtcn fruarantee to cure or refund tho money. Sent by mail to any address. CIrculr f ree. Mentlon thls paper. Addre6s, WADRID CHEMICAL CO., Branch Office for V. S. A. 417 DMrborn Street. CHTCAGO. IIX. FOE SALE IN ANNAEB0R. MICH., BT Mann Bros., Druggl6t8. 39 Sonth Main 6t. 1. J. Goodyear'B Brug Store, No. 5 South Mln St.