Select a room below to see available openings! You can click on an opening to start a booking, or scroll down to the form to fill in your booking details. Note that online bookings can only be made in advance.
The Lamplighter room is located on the 2nd floor of the Downtown Library. The room can seat 8-10 people and contains a wall-mounted screen.The Whiffletree room is located on the 2nd floor of the Downtown Library. The room can seat 8-10 people and contains a wall-mounted screen.The aadlfreespace is on the 3rd floor and contains 32 seats, 4 tables, a dry-erase board, and a wall-mounted screen with HDMI and VGA cables. The library does not provide HDMI and VGA adaptors. When you arrive for your time slot, please come to the second floor desk and ask to be let into the freespace by a staff member.The Rain Garden Room seats 6-8.The River Birch Room seats 10-12 and has a wall-mounted screen.The Bluebird Room seats 8 and includes wall-mounted screen.The Muskrat Room seats up to 35 and includes a wall-mounted screen.The Painted Turtle Room seats 8 and includes wall-mounted screen.The Emerald Room seats 5 and includes a wall-mounted screen.Meeting Room A seats 5 and includes a wall-mounted screen.Meeting Room B seats 8 and includes a wall-mounted screen.