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History & Biography Databases
Ann Arbor Observer: Then & Now | Online collection of over 130 articles from the Ann Arbor Observer covering a wide variety of local history topics, fully searchable and browsable by subject. Also has an image gallery of historic Ann Arbor photos. |
Biography Reference Source | More than 450,000 biographies. Includes complete full text run of Biography Today and Biography Magazine as well as thousands of narrative biographies. |
Detroit Free Press Historical (1831-1922) | Full-text access to articles and full-page images from over 90 years of Detroit newspapers. Articles cover Detroit and Michigan as well as national news from 1831-1922. |
Downtown A2 Historical Street Exhibit Program | Tour the permanent sidewalk exhibits at sixteen landmark sites throughout downtown Ann Arbor. Includes full-text and keyword access to an image database of hundreds of images from each location. |
Freeing John Sinclair: The Day Legends Came to Town | Learn about a piece of Ann Arbor's radical past with photos, essays, newspaper articles, the entire run of the Ann Arbor Sun, and original interviews. This website documents the activities of John Sinclair, the day John Lennon and Stevie Wonder played a concert in Ann Arbor, how an Ann Arborite ended up on the FBI's Most Wanted List, and the actions the White Panther/Rainbow People's Party. |
History Reference Source | Documents, photos, maps, film, and video from leading history journals. Also includes biographies of historical figures. |
Making of Ann Arbor | Discover the history of Ann Arbor through full-text access to several books and several image collections. Includes a collection of postcards, historic buildings, advertisements, and maps of early Ann Arbor. |
Michigan History Magazine (1998- May 1, 2009) | Published by the Historical Society of Michigan, Michigan History is geared toward professionals and enthusiasts alike. Read about our state’s diverse history through feature articles and special sections. A wide variety of subject matter, time frames and perspectives are offered while inspiring, educating and entertaining readers. |
New York Times Historical (1851-2017) | Full-text, article and page images provide the historical context for major events throughout American history. |
Old News | Read newspapers from Ann Arbor's past to learn more about the places around you. Old News includes over 115,000 articles and photos from the Ann Arbor News, Ann Arbor Courier, Ann Arbor Argus, and Ann Arbor Argus-Democrat. Read full issues of 19th century newspapers and browse or search articles and photos from the 20th. |
Signal of Liberty | Ann Arbor's prominent abolitionist newspaper, with issues from 1841-1847 now available online. Browse the articles in the original or search all newspaper items. |