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Magazine Databases

Academic Search Complete Designed for academic institutions. Comprehensive, multi-disciplinary resource of scholarly research. Coverage on a wide range of topics. Includes peer-reviewed full text resources for STEM research. Social sciences and the humanities also covered.
Agricola From the National Agricultural Library. Contains citations about all aspects of agriculture and related fields. Includes: journal articles, monographs, proceedings, theses, patents, translations, audiovisual materials, computer software, and technical reports. Coverage: 1970 - current.
Ann Arbor Observer: Then & Now Online collection of over 130 articles from the Ann Arbor Observer covering a wide variety of local history topics, fully searchable and browsable by subject. Also has an image gallery of historic Ann Arbor photos.
Consumer Reports Whether you are looking to find the best deal on an LCD TV or researching the top-recommended used vehicles, ConsumerReports.orgĀ® provides ratings and reviews, recommendations and buying advice for thousands of products and services.
MAS Complete Provides hundreds of popular magazines and reference books for high school libraries. Covers subjects such as art, history, sports, and music. Includes thousands of biographies and primary source documents. Also includes photos, maps, and flags.
MasterFILE Complete Broad collection of popular full-text magazines and reference books. Contains Consumer Reports. Covers subjects including: business, health, education, fitness, sports and leisure, personal finance, general science, multicultural issues, DIY, and fashion. Also includes photos, maps, and flags.
Newspaper Source Plus Includes millions of articles from newspapers, newswires, and news magazines. Offers television and radio transcripts and ongoing daily updates from popular news sources. Primary full coverage newspapers are The Washington Post and USA Today.
Regional Business News Regional business publications for the United States and Canadian provinces to 1990. Includes newspapers, radio and television news transcripts, trade publications, magazines, and newswires.
Science Reference Source Contains material from science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals, and other sources. More than 4,000 full text, full-length biographies. Includes: biology, chemistry, earth & space science, the environment, health & medicine, history of science, life science, physics, science & society, science as inquiry, and wildlife.