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Test Prep Databases

Adult Core Skills from LearningExpress Library Practice for the U.S. Citizenship exam in English or Spanish. Build your math and reading skills. Includes eBook study help as well as an eBook guide to getting a green card. Create a free account to access tools to help you do well on these tests.
Career Preparation from LearningExpress Library Includes a resume builder where you can save, edit, and print. Explore a variety of careers including allied health, law enforcement, and nursing. Prepare for occupation exams including civil service, commercial driver's license, cosmetology, teaching, and more. Prepare to join the military or become an officer. Create a free account to access tools to help you do well on these exams.
College Admissions Test Preparation from LearningExpress Library Practice tests, preparation eBooks, and tutorials for the ACT®, SAT, 12 AP subjects, PSAT/NMSQT, and TOEFL iBT® exams. Create a free account to access tools to help you do well on your college admissions tests and essay. Create a free account to access tools to help you do well on your college admissions tests and essay.
College Students from LearningExpress Library Math, reading, grammar, and science review with eBooks. Practice tests for six graduate school record exams including the GRE, LSAT, and MCAT. Includes multiple college placement exams including ACCUPLACER and ASSET preparation. Includes practice for the CLEP exams. Create a free account to access tools to help you do well on your college admissions tests and essay.
Driver Education Free driver practice tests specifically for Michigan. Permits, road signs, motorcycle, commercial drivers license (CDL), fines and limits, and Spanish version of the road sign test all available. Links to official Michigan online handbooks for drivers, motorcycles and CDL.
High School Equivalency Center from LearningExpress Library Skills building in reading, writing, grammar, spelling, and math. Practice for the GED in English and Spanish. Practice the HiSET and the Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC). Create a free account to access tools to help you do well on these tests.
LearningExpressLibrary v. 3.0 Take practice exams and tutorials for the SAT, ACT, and other college entrance exams, civil service, TOEFL, and AP exams – and more. Registration required.
Recursos Para Hispanohablantes from LearningExpress Library Learning tools, career, and citizenship exam practice in Spanish. Create a free account to access tools to help you do well on these tests.