Signal of Liberty, February 02, 1842
Digitized Articles:
- Publication Information
- New York
- Protest: Of The Officers And Crew Of The American Brig Creol...
- Hens Vs, Men
- Liberty Ticket
- Report Of The Secretary Of The Navy--war With England
- Temperance
- Our Shipwrecked Slaves
- A New Measure
- Southern Manners
- The Imprisoned Abolitionists
- Texas
- Bread Or Blood
- The Tariff
- Abduction Case In Richmond
- The Slaveholders's Policy: For The Signal Of Liberty
- Southern Bluster
- The Slave King
- In The House, Jan. 7
- Great Distress
- Classified Ads
- Poetry: To Liberty
- The Corn Laws
- Southern Notions
- Agents For The Signal
Volume/Issue: Vol. 1, No. 41; Whole No. 41
Editor: Edited by the Executive Committee
Publisher: The Michigan Anti-Slavery Society
Old News
Signal of Liberty