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Bowing Down To Slavery

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It m;iy now be (rrid down usan esta! - l.ishéd rulo, limt noman can become President or Vice President of the Uniied Suites, or member of ihe Cabinef, unle?s he is n favor of the conlinuunce of s'uvcy, :uid opposed to all mensures calculatcd to remove it. ïjknvever slow we may Le lo learri this trutl),t!lc events whicb we sce conlinually passing befare us. prove this a f:ict vvliich caunot Ijo mistakcnl Passing by Mr. Van Burcn's administration, which was obtaincd by pledges of ''evotion lo slavcry -ven iti advaftcë o tbe So-Jth, we procced dircc:!y to inquire nu.1 tlie cuurse of tbc present adnmu.sLraïion.i rcvious (o his eleclion, General Hurrison gave proofiQíMiis "soundness"'on ihis subject, by his )ub!ic aet3 for many year?, and byhis cohílnuéd and viuleut deuunciationsofihe abolitionifsts, and on the day o his innuurnÚQu, hs ali his lormer dcclnrations. by giving the world to understand, that any "dreams' rdaún- to ihe abolition of slavery vyhícli mja(u be enícrlaiHeii by anyüfd rievcr be renlized by any ngency of his. Tlie Sbutli werc sátisfied vvith íhis proof- íhcy !ave supported him, and he waa elepted President. Mr. Tier was already a s!uvelio!der,j peraonally. and his viows on this ail-im-1' portant póint were above suspioion.A part ot the members of the ncw Cabnet were from ihe slave Siatss, and of course wcrc aüachcd to tlicir peculiar insüUKions. Bat this was no't (he case willi Aiessrs. Webster and Grangcr VVhcn ?Ir. Webster scní n his resirriiation to iho Sena(e, (he ques'ion of hia "soandness", wassiarted, and Mr. Qüthbért of Georgia; iccused him of hiiving giv'en his opinioi:,; on same previous occasion, t&L Coxgrccs might pass lares to prevent, tfimransfer of slavesfrom one State or Tcrritory to an-othcr. The Se'nate t'hcn became a JBody oj ínquisJiors !o determino whelher the accused had been gitiity of ihis heresy, and l)is friends Messrs. Clay, Preston and Rives, feit obhged to underiajje a forrai! Cstcúys # UU irurio,., aaaint ihis slunderous charco. Thoy showcd, in allevialion of the charge, that i f hö éver'shid so, it was sdmê iwenty odd yeiirá ngo, n a town mcèlinw in Boston, ;mu that tlurjng the last Cour ót five rnonths, he had promtilgated opinions of a contra ry nature, and under -rcumstances of the most solemn aiuï impos-iingcharacler. Mr. Websier had declared at ihe city of Eichmond, before ten thousand of the Freemen of Virginio, (hat it was fris well setiled and upchangetible opinión, that "there is no powëc, -Jiroct or indirect, ín Gongress or the Genoral Government, to intorfere in any inanner u:hitcvcr, in the süghtcst dogree, wiih iha stiLjcci ofsjavery, or the institulions ot ihs South." They coutendod that a "decluruüpri so orond, socompiote, souncquivncrtl, so emphntic, proceeding from such aman,1' s'iould bë sufficient to placo hirn ahovc suspicion. Mr. Cuthbert, however, insisted "that mischief had been done by the e.-preasion of thai opinión, and that opiniónmust be retraclcd, andforgiveness dslted of a much injured jjeople. There (nust be rcpentance, :ind only repenlance byl eforrn. Tlie Senator must not profusa lo repent, and s'.iü reiuin tltc emolumenta of -in; ie must not retáin popuhuiiy ui Uie orth for nc opinión and !dl the South e has clmnged it and liolds ario;ier." Here, tlien'; we see the broad principie aid down, thnt no man tuay be Secretanof State who ha expreaaod an opiniónagainstSlavery; no, though it inay have been done twenty yearsogo, and n a place of '■ u more con$ijujiice thau a Bos ion U)n meeting, unle& le wili firt letract, feperit, aek Jorgiveneïïof ihe Smul), oud reform, fiere i ilie mul rritirltecl om iïr Nprthofn politicians to iravel in. Is nu! ihia nstraü rond? The Northern Senators sat inihèir place?, and novei uttered a word against these solent pretcnsión?. They could nol remonáírate náins't iheir ov.-i, degrada íLui. Thoy wcre in (ie same eondiiion wiil) Mr. Websler. Tliey had volumarüy submiUed to ;he Soutli, forthn sakeot'ifècuring ihcir iifcsisfftnce in the politieel struggfè. Tlie Señale conciudt.d tliat it waS nut worth whiie to c;iil uppi) lui: Wel.ster for any furilier retraction,and' nominaiio for Sccretarj' öf State . was sabsèqTfëntty emifinned. ; But qgnifist Mr. Grrápger, honest Granger,' ijie nppearatice pf lierci-y was ! siüi síróoger: Scveral euspioious bÏFCtiiftI stiinccs were known concerrinr h'ihi; He had lurmcrly pesentecl aboüiioii pétjiions. 2. Hy had sp. ken of somc of the petiíi(');'s rospecifuüy. 3. He ha.! made certain declamtions prcvious-.lo his clectbn which leancd beavily tüVffrH.s aboiiiion. The foliowing account cf thetn is froni tbc JÜ!n;ujcip:itor:Mr. A. b.twyer, of Ontario countv. n nigttiy resectahle ciüzon, who iva a n.ember pfafae Smtc Legisla ture in 1830 a.ñcj íhen ave his vuíeVi.r .ír. Gnu er : í;r the office of Senator of t)je U.nTed ! öiaic?, has ruc.Miliy nil.üahed ;i Ic;lti, tle í''iitf,d o!M;.n, stftllng a nurnner oí' tílimqats svhidi lie says he i,a, u;ar( ll(mi.;V"'' Gígér mvnJips, They are us folio vs; "1. Mr, Griinger has saíd (hat he had yic.dea lo the d ctines mlvanced ly Mr bladfï m hia iale speech u re-iwc) to ihe District o{ CuluMjbui, and ili.-it ihe rwffon oí -imalied ímhon thepart of Virginia atnl iUiiryianc! .musí he giveu un. "2. Mr. G. has said-j íhat whenever it CouJd lié provod U&t siaveholders h k! eál' eu to? tirare a id üótteti States troops lo hú f'-V'.i an üisucrection on tho ;irt of thc f laves against the whitcs; or w-henever it COUJd be !i!ídeto;ilH.e;)i-t!.;u Un i teü Sra tescj iKops nad liöen uáéd (o gmiaïa or pruiect ï fhivery, (hat moment C uiie. róÜtd have ,. power tu abclish siavery ia the different , j States. "3J. Mr. Granger hnssnid -lint cótójfiIzaíion tt;iS uno of ilie greaicst scu;h,Ta , ijuitibugs everinvented, and ihat lont be- lorc Gerrit Stóitfi yo1. fjis, eyes open Hn ihis sul.jcct, he had opetily an-l avowetily dej pouiieed tiiis scheme, notütily in íhe social j circle, but o a puMic meeting. 4i4th. Ai. öröiiger suid, If'thó aboüiion1 isls of Oniario county gave hitn a liberal .support, in 183S, tljey növer should have ' cause t-) r.-gret il f j "The sentimenis sel forih n ihe ahöve. I had froüi Mr. Graiigera own Vips. I j nave giveñ his woVclá as neár as I can rej collccnliem. A. Sawykr.'' To obviaie (hexe o!)jcc;iois, Mr. Gran; ger (oíd General Harrison thal should he I becoiue an aboüünist, he oughl lo be ejected from tiie Gibinet. He lüki AL-. Batte, a inembcr of Congres5, that he thoüghi Virginia right, and New York wrong in the pending coniroversy. h wnsrepresented at Washington, that he oresentedaboüfion )eü'lions simplv beC:U128 h8 U'HS itl t,iVnr of tl. o h'rnki ..' :„.. „„ mma a,b . Vl tuc [ IliUl UI I?CI" ■ tion, and an extract is quotec! in the Southj ern papers from one of his speeches, ■ whcre he s;iys, "while I have somclimes comletnncd tlioir rmvemcnt.s I have toid them that thcy were scaltering firehrands, arrows and deulh through Sé land." A leiter of a memher of Congressrecently publiélied, defines Mr. Gninuor's position as foilows:- '-He helieves in ihe abstract ri;ht of netition: sp does Mr. Ciay. H.j is o.)posed to ali interfeience by Qpngresa v.-ith Sir.vcry in the District ofColuinbia or elscwhere. He cxpres-e' even io stroñgést doubt? wtielhar Cougross h;is any p "nver under the ü'onsiitutioa to lögislaie on the subject at all. He goes even fuither than inatjy ui" the best and most patriüiic men of Virginia." The Riclunond Whig speaks of "the baseriess and ingrnntüde of siigmalizitig ;:s aboiilioaisisls, men who, likc (Jen. Harrjson and Mr. dranger, havegiven, on all octMsion.s, iheir testimony against it, and vindicalcd the rights of the South.''' This is Mr. Grapgér's posilion in regard t(. slavcry- a position which he has dire-jti y assumed himsclf. or which ho knowögly aljoiws lo bc cfepreserited as his. He is placed uc the pnme ibuling vvilh Clay, Harrispp, and "thö bestand most patriotic men of Virginia," and he rnakes no obSee Giddings' Speech. fThe aboliiionists gave Mr. Granger their undivided support in 1838.jjection to stnnd in the ranks with ihem. j 1-iit iliis is not all. Th e re is reason to l'fliovc ihat ha iuiends. to follow out all iho steps of feèaniatïon luid down b'y Mr. OuihUetfj viz: i:!.r;toiion, repeniancê,askmg lor v f; ti ess, and reformation; Al nny r.ite, we iuive tcstiinony to show ihat iie liasfully made his po.ucu wiïh liie Suuth. Tho.corrèsppmJentoK the N.Y. Cm merciaj Adyeniser, éays, "The nominalionj of the New Cabinet wére all concuneti in bj ïhc Setmte ycsteidüy, with ihc exception of' the Post luster CJenera!, Mr. Gninger. The ultra advocates of ' vory, it is on'dcrslbod, are endeavorir io ' 'u;iUe a puim of uholitionhm nínst him, ' and the whole cxeculive siitiqg of to day ' íváá upen bis case. Ttm lobbies of the !: oenaro ctiambor vvëré ihrongyd tho h„v time, and frota the lumj iaikioj, i!,ere must have been an aniinated debate." The Charleston S. C. Cóurierof More! 31, bas si eommunication, probably frorr; Mr. Preston, in which he rcfers to Mr. Calhoun for testiinony to"iho fact that Mr. Grunger's appoinlmenl, on the fuüest inves.igaiin, was acceded to without any (issenl." 'Tiie Clièirle.ton Mercury of the next iin y. rcforriii to the Courier, nd (laving impliouiy coiiöu.'ted Mr. Gjitów8ays:S 'Wc have becnared, Umi tlie ohjeclions whic!) wore made in the Sonate (o thé a píioiñtine ni of Mr. Grangcr, tcere,af ter exuminalion, withdraicn. Wc are pot luiunnud wiieiher the exaniination was of Ins past opinions, dcclaralions, and votes, or wiietiior he vVas inercly caüed upon to viukepromkcsfor ihefuLiim-lmi there is strong rt-;;son tübeijnve it vas the latter." 'Tiieru is sfröhg rert&dn to believe," ilierj-, that Mr.Gran-er ua.s aifaignèd beforê the Ser;a;e as.% cnmina!. and that jfiecuajd tipt possiUy butiii the siu.itüou for which hcwa.s no.hinated, linless lic would ';ina!ce promises lor the future" ol cnífre oi'euience ío the Soui!j; and he comaded lo do it! absolutdi degraded hirmclf! We have been more particular in our i-emarks on f his subject, because wc wish our readers disuncliy to undersianc!, Iiow absoluieiy and.entirciy the present adi,iiistrutiün is mider the dominion o!" a few siavèholder?, r.nd how unrelenting (hoy are in exorcUirig ihc power thcy have acquircd over the Whig party, by virluf; of the contract made with the leading VVhigs dnriug (he last Presidentia! coniest. i