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Cost Of War

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-The re wero slain bysea and land, during the last War betweeo England and France 2,100,000 men. Thej costto England was L1,058,000,000 - thej greater part of which is still unpaid in the national debt!' (&ll is siateü ihat ihere are now in Michigan. 35 newspapers; two of which! are published daily. Eighteen years ago j there was only ooc in the Territory. The Essex county (New Jersey) anti-' slavery society, pnssed the fullowing resolutions, April 22d: Resolved, Tbatit ia a public cnlamity to; have a slaveholder and a slave-producer,! for its chief magistrate. Resolved, That it is a disgrace fora nation to bestow its highest office upou any '! man who deprives a part of his country! men of the right of suffrage, and all the! rights ofcitizenship,and lowèrs them down! to a Ievel with the brute creation. (fÜT It is stated that the punishmenis of croppmg, branding aod whipping have been abolished in all the free Siates where. they have heretofore cxisted. These relies of barbarism can still be found. however, in full force in the Slave States. Theller his commenced a new daily paper in New York under the impo-' sing name of "Tiie Truth."