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National Nominating Convention

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Pursuant to the Cali of the central corresponding committee, appointed by the National Convention of 1840, the friends of independent Anti-SIavery Nominations, to consider and act on the propriety of now making Presidential Nominations for the clection of 1844, met in the city of New York, on Wednesday, the 12th day of May, 1841, and was organized as folJows : President. Aivan Stewart, of the State of ft. Y. Vicc Presidenta. Austin Willey, ofMaine. Thomas CUadbourne, New Hampshire. James Dean, Vermont. C. P. Grosvenor, Massachusetts. C. W. Turner, Rhode Isjand, Lewis Beers, Jr. Connecücut. C. O. Shepard, New York. Jolfo A. Paine, New Jersey. Isaac P. Fosler, Pehnsylvania. William H. Brisbane, Ohio. Chas. Chambcrláin, Indiana. Secretarles. Joshua Leavitt, of New Jersey. L. P. Noble, New York. Levi Coffin, Indiana. [As we have not room for the ñames o f the Delegates, we give the number from each State : Maine, 2 New York, (city) 37 New Hampshire, 8 Connecticut, 12 Vermont, 5 New Jersey, 16 Rhode Island, 1 Ohio, 3 Pennsylvania, 9 Indiana, 2 Mas8achusetts, 14 New York (State)37 34 Total, 141 Illinois and Michigan were not repreeented. Michigan appointed fourteen delégales to the Convenlion. How happens it that none were present?] Votcd,That a commiite of five be appointed to present business to the Convention. Messrs. Alden, of Mass. Tracy, of N. Hampshire, Goodell, of New-York,Harncd of Penn., and Ray, of York, were appointed the Committee. J. Leavitt, of New-Jersey, oflered a resolution, that it is expedient for this Convention to nomínate candidatcs for thc offices of President and Vico President, fot the elcction of 1844. This resolution was eloquently sustained by Benjamin Shaw, of Vermonf, Charles Chamberlain, of Indiana, Beriah Green, of New York, Hiram Cummings, of Mas' sachusetts, Elon Galusha, of New York, Asaph Rice,of Massschusetts,David Cushman,of New York, and the President of the Convention. No person appeanng on the other side, lhe question was taken, and the resolution carried UNANIMOUSLY. It was then resolved that the nomination be by ballot. W. A. Brisbane and C. VV. Denison were appointed tellers for the Pres idential voie, and L. P. Noble and L. Coffin for the Vice Presidential. On suggestion of Elon Galusha, a season was spent in silent praycr to God for wisdom to discharge the solemn services now before the Convention, after which Benjamin Shaw ofFered vocal prayer. The ballots were then taken, and aftcr counting thc tellers reported,-as follows: Fok President, 112. For James G. Birney, 108 Thomas Morris, 2 Gerrit Smith, 1 William Jay, 1 Fob Vice President, 104. For Thomas Morris, 83 Thomas Earl, 18 Gerrit Smith, 2 Alvan Stewart, " 1 -104 On motion of L. P. Noble, whosaid he said he had not voted with the majority on the Vice Presidency, it was resolved, that James G. Birney, of New York, as cans didate for the Presidency, and Thomas Morris, of Ohio, as candidate for the office of Vice Presidency, be unanimously and cordially supported at the election of 1844, and recommended to'the support and confidence of the people ofthe United States as the worthy representaties of the just principies of liberty, and deserving the highest honors that can be bestowed by a people wishing to be free. Carried unanimously. The Convention then adjourned till : morrow morning. Thursday' Morning, May 13. ] The President took the chair,and prayer was offered by Benjamin Shaw, of N. Y. ' William Goodell; in behalf of the Business Committee, reported an Address to the People of the United States, setting forth the occasion and tñe necessity of ourmovement and the principies on which we feel bound to be governcd in our associatcd action. The reading of the Adilress being concluded, a free conversation look place re3pecting it. On motion of Samuel Webb, Resolved, That the friends of Liberty, throughout the Nation, be requested to nomínate and to vote for Township, Couny, and all other Officers, favorable to the mmediate abolition of slavcry, and that :his principie be incorporated in the Ado iress. Resolved, That the Address be referred :o a committee of three, to make such corrections as may be required. The PresiIcnt, IVilliam Goodell. and Beriah Green, tvere appointcd the committee. Resolved, That we assume the name of he Liberty Party.On motion of C. Charabcrlain, of Indiana, Resolved, That duty, patriotism and hu raanity, calí upon all Americans to unit heartily and fully in the eflbrt to remov all oppressive laws, and to establish equa rights and tho impartial administration o justice throughout this land. Samuel Webb, of Philadelphia,and Hor ace Dresser of New York, were added t the business' committee. Resolved, That a central correspondine committee of five persons, be appointcc with power to fill vacancies. On motion of J. Leavitt, Resolved, That the President of thi Convention be the chairman of that Com mittee. - The othcr members were Wm Goodell, Beriah Green, Joshua Leavitt ahd E. VV. Goodwin. " A Standing Financial Committee wa appointed, to raise funds for carrying on the cause. L. P. Noble, E. W. Goodwin and R. G. Williams were appointed, anc this committe are inslructec! tocoinmuni cate ihe details of their plan of nuance l" tho several Stale committees. Resolved that th'e proceedings be pubiished under direction of Mr Leavilt. On motion of C W . Demson, secondet by E. W. Goodwin, Resolved, that we refer with gratefu recollection to the sentiments of THOMAS JEFFERSON, contained in a lette to Edward Cole, Esq. dated Aug. 1814, as follows : "It is an encouraging observation that NO GOOD MEASURE WAS EVER PROPOSED, WHICH 1F DULY PURSUED, FAILEDTOPREVAiL IN THE END. We have proof of this in the history of the end ea vors in the British Parliament to suppress that very trade which brought this evil(Slavery) upon us. And you will be supported by the religious pre cept - Be nol weary inwcll doing." Resolved that we recommend to aboütionists the importance of personal apphea tion to members of State Legislatures and of Congress, by deputation3 in favor of the various objects requiredof them. "That Alvan Btewart, Elon Galusha, Wm. Goodell, Beriah Green, Preston Sheldon, R. P. G. Wright, David Cush" man, C. O. Shepard, E. VV. Goodwin, L. P. Noble, A. W. Rilcy and S. II. Hammond, citizens of the state of N. Y-, be a deputation to watt on the members of the Legislature now in sestion, and arge the passage of the bilis ncw pending lor the repeal of theNine Monih'sLaw,and for amending the Constitmion in referenee to the Right of Suifrage. LA?i OF ORGAJÍIZATIQN. Resolved, That the friends of Liberty throughout the Union be requested tonoininate State, County, Townsbip, City, Ward, and District Committees, and the naincs of such committees to be transmitted upward from committee to committee, until it reaches the National Committee, and that the central conespondhig Committee be requested to take measures for the speedy completion of the arrangement. That the National Committee shall have a general care and oversight of the cause throughout the nation.The city and district commiltees thro1out their respective cities and districts. And the townshij) and ward committees shall have the particular charge of their respective townships or wards. It shall be the duty of townahip anc ward committees to canvass their respective township and wards, and ascertain as far as practicable, how many of the legal voters wili vote the Liberty ticket; anc transmit the number to their superior com mittee,.who shall forward the same to their superior committee, and so on tili the jnibrmation reaches the national committee. Resolved,, that we recommend tó all the friends of liberty, the liberal support o! those papers which are iirm and raithful to the cause, and the dfiügent distribution of üseful information through the meansof of the press. Resolved, that this convention recommend to óur friends throughout the country, to send in their memorials to the Congress-now about to assemble, to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia, and the Inter-State Slave Trade. Resolved, that a committee be appointed to communicate to James G. Birney and Thomas Morris, the doings of this con vention in nominating them for the offices of President and Vice President of the United States. The convention then adjourñed after an appropriate prayer.