Interesting Meeting Of The Liberated Africans
A meeting o behalf oftheliberated AfÃicans of tho Amistad was held at the Tab ernaclo on Weduesday aftemoon. Although tickets of admission were requircd, the spacions house was filled with an interrested audience. On motion James G. Birney was called to preside. Prayer was offered by the Itev. Mr. Rush, 3 colored minister. Mr. Lewis Tappan then rose and stated the objects of the Meeting. It was expected, he remarked that John Quincy Adams would have been present and address the audience, but was now at his residence in Quiacy, writing out the pica for publication. He then held up a most magnificent Bible which Cinque and his companions had procured, and intended to have presen ted. It would now be sent with their war mest expressions of gratitude. Thcir object in this public exhibition was: First: Toshow ihe irnprovements made since October, and also help raise iunds to defray the current expenses, and send them back to their own country wilh teach ers and missionaries sufficient to cstablish a station at Mendi. Thi3 would be done so soon as information respccling the coun try could bc obtained. Mr. Booth called the Africahs severally by their nanies, to which they responded by rising in view of the audience. When Cinque showed his fine, manly person, he was greeted with a warm and cordial applause. The appearanceof the Africans was certainly interesting. They areperfecily black, but not without pleasing and striking expression.Mr Boolh remarked, that it had been his pleasure to be engaged n the instruction of these caplives eversince they wcre stationed at New-IIaven. Until üctober last hc was unable to devote more thán three hours a day to theii), and having thrce miles to walk to perform his labers, he cou!d accomplish bul little. Since thut period his time has been engrossed with them. Uecould state only a few of the many interesting faets relating to them. - From the first they have all been anxious to learn the English language; especially the Bible. He was told by them when he spent but little time with them, that he ought to stay longer. "When you come' said they "the sun is there, (pointing to a place at 30 degrecs below,) but you ought to come when he is there (poinling to the eastern horrizon.)and stay till he is there" (poinling to the western.) Their eagcrness to learn had been extraordinary. Af ter having leen seated two hours with them he had been asked, on rising, if he was lired? There ace not many clas9e who would express regret at a discharge after so long confinement. The progresa of the Africans has bee different, as might have been expected - being of different ages and countries. - Some can as yet read only with diÃficulty olhers quite fluently. Some can readily spell aluiost any word; with others it is ye a lask. The gtrls have had as yet very liille nslructon. While at Weslville,thei moral and intellectual improvement seem to havo been greaily ncglected. They said after their arrival at Farmington, tha they had plenty of work, but a very littl read. Tney alsohave manifested a. gvca dogree of curiosity - inquiring the mean ing of words, ihe use of objects, the caus of events. One gave a particular descrip tion of a meleoric sionc, and inquired is name in this country. The nativos ihey represent to be ver hospitable, and generoua. No use is mad ot money in thcr ordtnary transaciïon none required for entertainment. Thei ideas, in this respect, have undergone con siderable change by their residence i this country. As to their veracity, Mr B. sai.-7, he hu never known them to utter a falsehood. - Opporlunilies Ãor falsificaron had occur red, but they had never swerved. So,to they had always exhibiled a remarkabl honesty. They exhibit also, a great alÃachment to eme another - their friend and country. It forms the chicf burden of iheir request to be returned lo iheir na tive land ; that they desire to seo thei Ãriends, their wives and children. They apprehend no danger, if once placed upon ihe shore, in reaching their horno. They are eager to secure religious knowledge They promisc great attention and care to any missionary that may be sent to thcm They express a great sense of obligation to those Americans who have kimlly sympaihiscd with them. then addressed ihe audience, in Ãiis own language, giving a history of iheir capture, and the circumstancea which had oceurred respecting thera, up to the present time. Ilis manner was impassioned, evincing deep emotion, and admirably adapted to express the feelings which we night suppose they would exccise during he various stages of their history. A coliection was taken, and the Africans then sung the Missionary Hymn with great propriely, and the assembly was dismissed with the benediction byRev.