Kidnapping In Ohio
.nuthcr jrous act ot this kind has been connnitted in Ilamilton, Ohio,and the iniscreantshave gonc ofFunpunished, to repeat their deeds whcncver it may suit their convenience. It appcató thut two or lluee white men selzod upqö a colored man, under pretencc of hia be:n a shive, and hurried him intu siavery without any legal process. Tvhe inhuman creatures were arrested and brought to trial, but could not be convictcd, because tho only teslimnnv against them, was "culored testimony," and this is invalid against a vhi:e man in this State. Anolher fruit of that most infamous luv. Hov long will the people of Ohio allow their statute books to be defaced bvso
African Americans
American Slavery
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