The Liberty Vote for Members of Congress in N. Hampshire...
The Liberty vote for members of Congress in N. Hampshire averaged 1,248 - for Governor it was upwards of 2000, last fall it was 111. The vote for Hiram Pitts and Liberty in Ontario, the other day, is eaid to have been 300, Ia9t fall 152.-- Add the whole together, and you have an average gain of four fold. At the same rate, the liberty vote in the local elections of the free states this year, will be 25000 next year 100,000 and in 1844, upwards of a niüüon for Birney and Morris. We do notbelieveibat another ticket can be nruuia up which will receivo the support
Liberty Party
New Hampshire
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Hiram Pitts
James G. Birney