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...a Friend Of Ours Handed Us, A Few Days Since...

...a Friend Of Ours Handed Us, A Few Days Since... image ...a Friend Of Ours Handed Us, A Few Days Since... image
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QA friend of ours handed ua, a fow days eince, tho Daily Penant and JYativt American, a paper published at St. Lous; bj a perusal of which we learn that several colored persons had been convicted ia that place for the murder of two young men and the editor has, together vvilh other remarks, the following: 'A fcarful danger constantly surrounds us. The effortsof those tnadmen, ihe Ab olitionists, have not been without their naiural consequences. It is useless to atempt to conceal it. The negroes, who were once the happiest and most contented race of beings in the world- without cnre, anxiety, poverty, misery - all that lead the independent laboring classes to madness, desperation, drunkenness and crime - have had their poor weak siliy brains lurned upside down by a dim feverish phantom - they know not what; and, as in moments of excitement, the strorigest propensity displays itself first, their first thuught is money - revenge- blood. (gr A NEGRO HAS NO HEÁRT.-CO Ho shudders at nothing but the lash - he recoils at nothing after his usual checks are thrown off- ha knows not what remóse is. The necesstty for a stern, awe-striking example- such as has been set them during the last week, by the conviction of the four oegroes - was imperative; and wehaveevery reiison to believo that their execution will produce the happiest effect. Frequent and terrible warnings like these are aecessary to keep the ferocious passiona oí the negroes under restraint. We have heard some sympathy expressed in favor of Warrick and Seward. They deserve none; from the evidenca ngainst them, a white man would, if similar situated, unquestionably have been convicted precisely as they have been.- Why then should tha negro be shown indulgence? VVo are hurrying towards a dreadful state of things; and nothing bul the administraron of strict justice, upoa white or black, rich or poor, can save us. In Heaven's name, let us hear no moro talk of sympathy Co, uven the accessaries in such horrid deeds as those of which these negroes have been cotivictcd. It is time ihnt such maudlin scnïimentality were banished frotn the breatfts of men, and only exhibited in sentimental drapers and bread-aöd-butter school nnsses." Hüw perfectly infatuated must that man be, who, for one moment can indulge I inent s like the abo ve. Man, immortal man, was never designed by his Creator to be a chattel, and if it be a fact that the negro is or ever was, contented to be a thing, it wM not until slavery had done its work of deatb I and ruined the man. We ask for no otberj argument to convince us of the absolute 1 f'ulness and wickedness of slaveholding thso I Lhe one that under this system of cruelty and I appression thoee who were created in God'l I mage and ranked amongst the noblest of I U3 works, ere wiiling to be brought dovn I ipon a level with the brutea that perish.- I This Gage editor would intímate that if -the I iolored man is broached upon the subject of I turnan rigüts that his "poor weak silly braina I i!l be turned upside down and his first í houguta will be moaey- revengo- 'blood." i Tho man who could pen such s roatimeo' I