Debt Of The States
Ouly seven of ihe Uventj-six states are free fïonulebt, fiveof which are free states and two slave states. The wholo nrnount of the State debts already contracted, is two hundred and thirty-two million?, nine hundred and twenty two thousand, eightj hundred and nincty-six dollars ;which islfi dallara and 5 cents to each free nliabitant,! orsixly-four dollar9 and twenty cents to I each tax paying person in the United j States, ullowingone to evcry four free in- habitantg tobe taxable.The greatest averaged amoimt of dchti of afiy ofths States loeach free inlmbitant,1 is that of Louismna, which is $177,31, r; $711,21 to each taxpayer. The average j debt ofllünoisiggreatnrthan hnt of any1 other free state, which Is $23,03 to óaéhl freo inhabitant, org 112,32 tqèachtaxpayable person. The average aaiount of doljt to onch! freo inhabitant ia the slave states is 05, nad to each taxpayer $81,20; white in the free states it ia $13,18 lo cach free' inhabitant, aud 52,64 to each taxpayer,i showing a difference of more iban one third in favor of the free states. (The doht of Michigan is' 5,000,000, beiog to each freo inhabitant, $22,01 or 94,44 lo each taxpayer.)
State Debt
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