Slaveholding Congressional Dignity
Thtï following dialogue, which took place in (he House, Jtine 15, shows in what wny somo of the memoers :arn tbeir eight dollars per liüy. h shows also the manners and spirit of a slaveholdÃng communiiy. Mr. Stanley, of N. C. wished to enquire of the chair whether thd gentlemen wcre changing thcir votes, lfso, he should lilce to know it. Mr. Wise, of Va.- Order. I cali the gentleman to order. Mr. Stnnley. - I don't care f you do.g (Avoice. Puthimout.) Mr. Stcnley.- Tiy it, boys. (Loud cries of orJer, order.) The Speaker cnUed the House to order.Mr. Stanley. - I sÃiall eubinit my nquiry tó (1ip Chair, let wno wilj cali lo order. Is it in order, Mr. Speaker, te as' iftheee gentlemen have ciianged their votes? (Grent noisü in the hall.) Messrs. Vsc and Gilmer called Mr. Stanley to order. The Speaker said the gentlemen from N. C. had n rightto put an inquiry to tbe Chair, fit was proper f.r informatiqn. Mr. Stanley. - I inquÃre, Chen, wh-thor gonilcnien liave c!ianjed tiieir votes. Mr. 'vVise.-I ask the Speaker if that inqiÃtry Ãs in order? The Speaker suid it was not. Mr. Sianioy. - I have asked the lyieaüon and triuinphed, so far, at least. Mr. Wise Ordor. Mr. Stanley. - Order, backaoain. The Spe:iker called both gentlemen (!) to order and announced vote.