Classified Ad
STRAY COVV.- S; ra ved or stolen Trom the pubscriber, on Tuesday, ihe iJ;li nst., a 6inall sized, yeüowcow, weil proportioned and eiglu or niueyeara old. Slicguve when she leil abont Iwelve quarts of miJk a da}'. VVhoever vvill return sáidcow or give nformation wliere sho tnay bc faund, sbal! ba Itbcrally rewurded. J. B. BARNES. Ann Arbor, July 10. lC4l. BLANKSofevery descripúon oeatly ojioouiofl at Ui is ofüsQ..THRESIIING MACHINES, HORSL POWER, MILLS, fcc. THE undoreigncd are manufac? uring and will keep constantly ou hand at their ehop two anda halr miles west of Ann Arhor, near the Rail Road, HORSE POW. ERS and THRESH1NG MACHINES 1 9 w i0"6 '8 a new ïnvention'by o. W. Fostkb, and is dccidedly-auperior to any thing of the kind ever before ofiareffto the Public. The pnce of a Finir Horse I otoer, with a good Threshing Machine ia one hundred dollars, at the shop; without Uie Machine, niuety dollars. Theae Horse 1 owers can be used wiih tw, ibjec or four norses to good adyantage Three men with tvvo horses, can th'esh ono hundred bushele or wheat per da-y (if it yields middling wel), and it Wl;l not be hard work for thehorse 1 lie Horse Power and Thresher qan both be put in a common waggon box, and drawn ny distance by twu üorses. The Ttco Hars Power will be eold at the shop, with.' the Thresher for one hundred dollars; witli-" ut the Thresher, for eeventy-fn-e dollars. Tht,y also manufacture STRAW CCJTTERS; reccnily invented by S. VV. Foster, wmch are decidedly preferoblo lo any othera tor cutting atraw or corn stalks, by horsa or water power. Tbey also wk i'y hand.-, rnce, hiteen dollars. " -ALSO- CAST-IRON .MILLS for grinding prorender, at the rate of six to eight bushjs pef hour, witb two horees or by water. (LTSMUT MACHINES of superior cor struction. Invented by S. W. Foster -, Price, eisty doüare. tÃ. W. FOSTER, k Co. Scio, June 53, ï'jll. iO_ly GRASS LAKE ACADRMY, AND TEACHERS SEMINARY. rgiHE TRUSTEES would inform the pub - lic, that tho Winter term of thia Institutio.n will commence on Wednesday EIGHTEENTH OF AUGUST, and continue twenty-two weeks, ondor the bupenntendance of Mr. Lücicv H. Jonbs, tne present inpumben. They would also say that Schooi has been reepectably suslained during the preeent pecunkry pressure that has crushed so many of the Literary Iustitutions of our country ; and that thero a a dis)osition with all concerned to BU3tain t uil beller times shall eecure to it, ita anti& ipated prosperity and usefulnesa. ÃÃITION. b or the common Englieh branches, $3 Oq. Tbebighec Eng. l,r. and Mathematica. 4,00. 1 he LatÃn and French Languages, 5,00. The Tuition to be paid at the raiddle of the quarter, unless other arrangemenla ara previously made. Board and washing are irom 1,00 to 1,50 dollars per week. and a number of private rooma niay be engKged h? such as wish to board themaelves. Tha bchool ia open to both sexes and all denomluations. No Student will be received for lessthan half a Term; and no reduction made for absence except for continued aickneas. FOSTER T13CKER. Sectetqnj of the Board. Cxrass Lake, June L3, 1841. lO-4w 1 he peculiarities of this Chemical Corapound, are owing to itsextraordinary effecta upon the animal fibre or nerveB, ligament and rauscles, its virtuea being carried by tliem to the immediate eeat of disease, orof pain and weakness. Ho wever good auy internal remeIy may be this as an external appücatioo will prove a powerful auxilary, in removing the diaease and faciliating the cure, in caee of Local In flamafion, Scroffuloua Affections, King'g Evil, Gout,lnflamtory,and Chronic Rheumatismx and in all pases whtre st-ated pain or weaknesa exists. A gentlemen travelling iq the South of Europe, and Palestine, iii 1830, bcard so much eaid in the laiter place, in praise of Jew David's Piaster; and of the (a3 he considered,; miraculoue cures it performed, that he was induced to try it on his owo person, for a Lung and Liver affection,the removal of which had boen the chief object of hisjourney, but which had reeUled the genial iofla. ence of that balmy and delicioiis climate. He putone over the reglón of the liver; :d the mean time he drank freely of an herL tea of taxativo quahUee. Hb 6oon found his liealih inprovmg; and in a few tveeka his cough left him, ihe sollownees of hisakÃn disappeared, his pain waa removed, and bia health became permanently re-instaled. It has l)kew8tà been very beneficial inca eeB of weakness, 6uch ns woaknee and pain in the Btomach, weak limbs, lumeneBe, and öiFections of the epuie, fcmale weakness,&cc No female Biibject topain or weakness inth back or side ehoulJ be without it. lUnrried Iadie3, in delicate aituations find great reiici'from coDafantly wearing this plapter. No pt.fling, or grfut notonouB certificaten is intended. Those who wish to satisff themsefves of the efficacy of this plastnr, cao oblain sufficient to spread 6 or 8 pla6tera for ÃQ cent8, a sum nol half suificiont to pay for the inserüon of a single certifÃcate into any ofour mopt copmon prints, a single time.- Lhis pt-jce per box is placed upon i:, in order that it may b wrtnin tho mcaas of jvery oiTIicted son and düiighter of the cora[mu;ity;tt)al all.whether rich orpoor,tnay obain the treaeuro of healtb, which rcsulu 'rom itfl use.Jew David's or flebrew Piaster, ia a corrain cure for corns A liberu! discount made to wholesaie purcbasers. Directiona eccompnny each box, Pric 50 cente. Dooiitiie 8f Ray, agente for Michigan. Country ajserits supphed by M. W. Bircb ard &. Co., Dctroii. Suld by Dr. McLean Jackson; Dewey k, Co,, Napoleon: D. D. Kifcf, Manchester; E! lis Sc Pierson, Clintoa F. Hall, Leoni; G.(i. Grewell, Qraes Lalie Keelcr U Powcrs, Concord. Anü Arbor, !ay 12. l8U. tf Produce oï eyery Jesci"iptioMJ gU &CE1VED in payment for Job work, JBLV and Subscriptions to tbc 'iáiü.vAi. of Libbbty," if deJivered at ib Office, imtnediately ovor tho Store of J, In order thatthis valuable medicine should not be counteribited, we have aplate representing a persian sccne, that is struck on each bili, one of which accompanies each box. We deern it unnecessar to publish a long list of certifÃcales, as they will neither add to nor diininish the virtues of tliis aduairablo compound. Superior to the Hygeian,Brandreth's,Evan' toraatto, the Matehiess (pnced) Sanativo, or any other Pilis or Compound, before the public, a8 cortified to bv Physicians and others. Let none condemn them uutil they have tried theni, and they will nol. It is now a BCttied point witli allwho have uscd the Vegetable Persian Pilis, that they are pre-erninently tho best and most tfiicacious Famiiy medicine, ibat has yet beon used in America. If uvcry famiiy could becorne acqnaintcd vyiUi their Sovereigyi Pow er over disenso, they would eeek them and be prepared with a rafe remedy to npply on the firsl appearanceof diseose? and tlien how mu cl disiress would be avitided nnd money saved, as well as Uves of Ikousands who are hurried out of time by neglecting disease in its first stügi'S, or by nót being 111 possossion of a remedy whicli they can placu dependence upon. All who wish lo guard against sickness, should use the Persian Pilis freélV, when needed, no injury can ensne, if used frotn youth to oÃd age, when laken according to llic dircction8.CERTIFICATES. Rochester, Sept. 1840. Messrs E Chase Compuiiy. - Gents. Sirs: - This is (o inform you tliai vvo liavciised your Vegetable Persiun Pilis for a year past, in our practice, and are, wel! pleased with their operaüon. Believing them to fuifil their advertisment, in answering as a substitute wherc calomel is indicaïed, wc can recommend them tn the public Drs Brown, M'Kensie, & Haisted Rochestcr, 1C40. TO MOTIIERS. Messrs. 11. Chase $ CV Gents - Hearing much said abotit extraordinary cffecta ofihe Reeurrecti!) or Persian Puls, upon those about to become Molh ers, we wcre nduced to make a trial of them. Wy wife was at that time a mother of 5 childrcn, and had suffei'ed the tno6t exexcruciating pains cluring and after her confinement oà each. Slie had tried every means and taken much medicine, but found ittle or no relief. She commenccd taklog the Persian Pilis about 3 mo. bct'ore her confinement (her hcalth being very poor nbout this leugth of time previous,) and soon afti-r was enabled by iheir usé lo u't-nd to tiie cares of a mother to her femily until her conGneraent, At tlje tiene sho comuicnced taking the Persian Puls, and for severnl weeks pievious, wilh a dry hard cough, and frequently severe crainps. vvhicii the use of' the pills entireJy removed before ueing hal! a box. It is '.vith great cblifWëhce that wi; advise ail tliose about to bèeomé Mothers to make use of' the Porsian Pilis. AH llioac that have taken them in our netghborhood, have got along in ihe same easy manoer, and are about the house in a few days. - Thcre does notappear tube halftho d.nger ofothcr diinculiies setting in nftef coniinej rnent where these Pills are taken. Wc unitedly sa}', iet none neglect laking them for they are in the reach of tho poor as wdl us tho rich. We are truly tliankful thot tliere is a remedy which femaleti can easily procure which biJs to Jessen the world of suffering, which many of them have to bear, and perhaps save the lives of thousands which otherwise would be lost. Rochester, May 14th, 1340; corner of Cal cdonia square, Edingburg street. For p.irLiculars; seu subscribers. S. ROBERTS, A, O.ttOBKRTS.Gents. --à wish yon to eend a quantity of ' your Porsian Pilis tu tliis place, fur I am snre they would meet wiih a rendy saÃn. My brother-in-law while yassing ihrouh your place heard so nr.ich said in theii behalf,that he was induced to purchuse4 boxes; and I mny safely say that they liavedone more for myself and a hali'eistfr of mine, than $400 which I had paid to Doctors, and for other various prescriptions and medicines. 1 have used 28 boxes of Brandreth's Pillp, wliicli gave me sotne partial relief. But your Pill3 went right ahcad liko a man of war. What passed off looUed like ink. My diseaso has been named diflerently ly every Phyeician; but my idi-a is, that it was a general vitice' ofthe iluids which produced symptotns of almost every disease. It would be too tedious for me to givo give you a history of all tny difficulties. 1 was vveak.dnl!, stupid and reduced to a skeleton. AH hopos of being resto red had. beengiven over, cxcept by my brother-in-law. 1 took hvo boxes of your Pilis, and 'am able to perforra iny duties in the oounting room. My sister was consumptive- herliver was much affected, her legs swelled- a harsh cough constantly ti-oublr-'J her. One box of your Pilis entirely relieved her from all thoso 6ymptoms. I am about to remove to Burlington, and would wish an agencv, &c.STEPHEN B. LUTHER. JR. FEVEfl &AGUE, CHILL FE VER &c, Those in health who live n marsliy countries, and unhealthy clitnaces, can avoid the disease to which their siluations are subject, by taking the Persian pills onco, and in sonie inslances perhaps twice a week, to cleanse the system and purify it from the email accumulation of effluvia, which causes the different diseases, n different situaüons of the country. Thoee whofind disease fnst increasing upon them should fake 6 or 8 pilis on going to bed, which will generally opcrate as a gentle emetic and cathartic; after which oontinue the use of them in smaller doses, as recommended in the other large bill. Thoso who follow thig course will find them a su re and never preventiveThose whose diseases are stubborn, should take a suilicient quantity of the pills to vomit thera once or twice, say every (hird nighl till tlieir disease is subdued. tben take them in smaller doses until every veetige of it is exterpated. Be no Jonger imposed upon by "Toiiic Mixtures," "Tonic Bitten," or any medicine recommended to break the Fever and Ague; as they all contain more or lessine and arnsnic, which, if they brenk the gue, injim: tho constitiition, oftf,n causing j the patients to linger out a miserable exis tence, subject toevery othor disease. Th eso pilla do not break the Ague leaving the scattered fragmenta in the system, to show tliemselves in cvery other form, butby their cleansing propevties they root out every vestigo of disease, leaving the systctn iree and heakhy. and the constitutiun not j only uniinpaired but improved Tiiose who j wish a tonic bher can make a most cxcel lent one aftor the receipt that accompanies each bx of puls. Dooüttlo and Rny, State Agents for Michigan. Orders addressed to Mi W. Bircliard te, co., will rcceive attenüon. Sold by Doet. Mc. Lean Jackson; Dewy Sc co., Napoleon; Elija k, Pearspri, Clinton Ã. D. Kief, Manchester; T. Huil, Lconi:C. G.Grevell, Grass-Lake; Keeler k Powers Concord. For removing diseases arising irom an abuse of Mercury, ciirunic and constitntional diseases, such as scrofula or king'a evil, secoudary aypkillis, ulcoralions, corr.tsionsof i.ho Ihroat, nose, chcoks, lips, ears and other parts of tlie loc]y, eruptions on the skin, rhcumalic niiöctions, white swelïiiiga', pams in the bones and joiota, füver sores, obstinate old sores, soalled head, salt rhmm, ring worm und olher diseases arisin]f iVom an imptire s:aà of the blood. Ãlso, habitual costiveut'sra, piles, clironic aÃTections of i!;ff liver, hmgfl and ebcst, mins in the stoniach and side?,' night swests, Sec. I: is hkewise niuch recomnÃeüded as a clcansing' spring medicine.Tl lis compound fluid extract is Alterativo Diuretic, Diaphoreiic. Laxativo, Aroinetic, I and shghtly Bliimilent, and may be used successfully in scrotTnlous and syphHoid disj eases, and Ihat. shattered state of' the consté ! tution u lacheo otteu follnvvs the abuse of ! mercury, exotoses or morbid cnlargement oÃ' the bonos, stipiginous musÃalos of ringworm; ulccrations generally; caries oÃ' the bones ; cartileges of ihe nose, mout!), with the other diseases above montioned, nnd all diseaes arising from a morbid state of ihe blood. Thcre is Lardly a physician wlio has nol had oreasion tu observe with pain, the pliag edenic v;iricty of licrbs; nnd in spite of all Uieir reuiedies he could brin against th6 cruel diseast', iis cotnpelled tu apknowiedge ihfitr ïne.flïcacy and allow Ihe monster to cirrode and desiroy the nosc, cix'i-ks, lips, eyelids, ears and templfs; paris of whieh ibis inalndy genorally afiocts a profen-ncc. But tri this extract, will be fouud a perfect remedy, in all such cases, and where the disease lias not iproduced a very groat derangemont of slructure, it will even yii-ld to this reinedy in a very short lime. Within a very shorl poriod, tln're has iiecn great ïinproveineiits in France, on the phartiiaoouticaJ and cliemical treatment of Ãáaisa parilln, and it has been fully proved (.hut nine-lentiis of the active principies of'ilint vahiable root is actually lost in llio usual j mode of preparing it for medical use. The compoutui extract being a very nice pharmaceutical preparatinn, reqtnres ihe most rigid care nnd skilful management, and not without sirict reference to the peculiar active principie of each of lts cuiistit uents. The French chemists liave ascertain ed by actual experiment, that the active principie of Sarsaparilla is either destroyed by nhcmic;l chance, or dnven oft' by the !cat of boiling wutcr; constqiifiitly the prepiiiations from this root in general use, ( bichare also frequently prepared bv.per. sors unacquaintrd with pliannacy, and from materials rendered inert by age or i wise,( can have litllc or no effect upon the system.. G. VV. M. taking advantageof thr-se facts has adopted au improved procesa for extractijitr the medical virtues frotn the active ingrediente ofthis compoutid fluid extract, whicii are ame in number, without heat; that is to say neither concoction, in'u sion, or maceration are mado use of; nor is tiie teuiperatiire of the rnenstrum allowod to exceed 80 degrees Fah. unlil every partiële of active principie is exhausled, föaving a tasleless rnass bchind; thereby obtaining the wholeofthe soluble active principie a a highly concentrated state, liaving out the fécula wuody fibre, fac, which encumbers the extract ohtuined by decoction. The propnetor therefore has not only the eatisfuction of assuring the medical faculty and the puhlic, that Ihis reuiedy is prepared accordiog to strict cheimcal and pharuiaceulical rules, but that he also united some of tho officinale valuable and active vegitables, all of the choicest seiection which rnatenally enhances its valne in the treatment of the dieeases nlove namcd. He is therefore iiiduced to oÃiur this fluid extract to physicians and olli era under the fullest conviction of its superiorily over thal in common use. Physicians wlll find great advantage in (he uso of this extract, and a greH relief from the perplexities attendant upon the treatment of those obstinate cases which bid defiance to every retnedy; their confidence prompts them to prescribe such a diet and régimen as in their judgement the case would 6eem to indÃcate; - thereby givng tin; extract its full irirluence.Ihis exlmct is prepared from,tlie beet selected material8, without heat by a improved process; on an account of which, ït is preferred by physicians as being rnoie active than any otlier now before the public. Preparcd at (he Chciuical ,-Luburatory of G. W. Merchant, Chemist, Loctyort N. Y. N. B, A liberal discount made to dealers and Physicians. The above arlicle may be had at the store of J, Mc'Lean, Jaclt6on; Hale and Smith, Grjss-Lake, and by the principie druggists througliout the state. VV. S. and J. V. Maynard, and Lund and Gibson, Ageots, Ann'Arbor. Jackson, July 4th, 1840. BSamïiS ! JBlanks ! ! Blasiks ! ! ! JUST PRINTED, on fine paper and QJP in a superior style, a large assort. ment of blank Sumraons, Subpcenas, ïïxecutions, kc. - For sale at this office. Aan Arbor, May 12, 1 ii4l. Jin important dlscovery for Rheumalism Fever Sores, White Swellings, Injtarnmation in ihe Eyes, Bums, Swelled Throat. in Scarlel Feue.r, (uÃ7iey, c. TÃib Chemical Plaster ia an important remedy for all those who are ftftlicted with nflammutory complamts, by its easing pains, counieracting inflammation, and givinu spoe. dy relief, by its active, Btrengthening, an& súdorific proporties. -An effectuaj remedy for inflammatory rhcuinatisin, agüe in thO breast, cramp, burna, bruises, scrofula, ola sores, ulcera of almost every description, cankered and swelled ihroata arising from scarlet lever, felons, white swellings, chilblains, fcc. Persons sufiering Ãrorn lier complaint?, pulmonary diseasea, inflammation on tlie luhgs, with paine in the sides and breast, pain and weakness in the back, vvill find relief. In all cases it may be uscd with safety. TO THE PUBLIC. To WHOM Iï MAà CO.NCK11N. This may cortify that Ã, Erastus Dean, the proprietor óf E. Dean's Chemical Plaster, have for more than two years been in a delicate state of health, so tlial 1 have been unable to prepare and circuÃate eaid Plaster to that extent vvhich the interest of the suffering community demands; and feeling so valuable an article ought to be exlensively made known to.the afflicled, à have made arrangeiiients with II. liARRlS &c Co., oà Ashtabula, Ohio, to manufacture and vend it in iny name as my sole socci'aaors. This# therefore, may be relied on as the genuin heretofore prepared by me, As witness my hand,ERASTUS DEAN. Wf.RTFIBLP, ClTAUTAUtlOE Co., N. YJanuari) 1, 1839. Penn Line, Pa. April 7, Io40v Messrs.. H. Hauuis 8f Co. - Sirs: - Since à v;is atyoar store in .Tuly Ins', I have used E. Dean's Cliemical Piaster, which [ have received from 3'ou at different times, and tre! myself in duty bound to you as proprie, tors, and to f he people generally,, recom,nieiul the same as a sife and eflicacious remedy J'ur those complaints tor which it is rccoMineiKÃed . I have used it in several cases of'inilamed eyes, in some óf which lts. iflocts as a curativo ha e been very decidedf and in no cabe has it Ãaiicd of giving relief wliere it lias been appiied according to directions, and all who liave used it are petfectly satisfied wilh it so far ns I knovv. I llave also appiied it ir. sorne severe cases of iigue in the breast xvith tlie happiest effecte. i would also iclate the case of Mr. Thomas Logan, who has been ailiicted witli th rheuinatism in one hip tbr tliii teen years, so iliat he liad been compellcri to abandon labor In a g-reat ineasure. l lei him have a box of the Piaster, he appiied it, and for three days fuund, as he supposed, no benefit, hut after that he perceived that ihe pain ".vai nofso severe, and in less Uian tivo week3 he could labor hard uil day and rest free from pain at night. Hesays that he woiud not part with the box he has for three hondred dollars, provU ding he conld not obtain anolher. He also s;iys to me, keep H on hand and recommond t wherever yon go. J liave used 'ho piaster in casos of pain in the sidus, back, siiouldor, etc with like fTood effect. Yonr.s, Jj'C, DANIEL KNEELAND. M. D.iMotiroe, June 18, 18:W. Messrs. H. Hakuis Lc Co.:- Sir6: I have used E. Dean's Chemical Piaster for mora llian four years past, and do cheerfully rocomniend it to Phypicians for rheumatism, apnnna of wrist, anklo, shoiïldcr, &c. In fblons, whitlow, and scrufuloiis sivellings of all descripüüiie, il is generally an eifectual rcrnedy. In short, wherever there is a pain it is almostsure to give relie fin a few hours. I liave used it in a great nutnber of rhcutnatic aÃTections. $ne of iny patients, aged 40, full habit, had a' rheumatic swelling on one leg. He had been uiiHble to get out of his house for three raonths; his leg wa swelled to an enormous size, twice its usua) bigness; every thing had been done without success until we commenced usinnr Dean'8 Cliemical Piaster. We enveloped the Unce and a portion of the limb in the piaster, and in three days the swelling entirely disappciired, and in ten days he went aboul hiii ordinaiy business Such has been our snecese with the article, and we now wilhngfy recommend it to the public for a trial. Yours ha. J. II. REYNOLDS, M. D. The piaster is uow put up in boxes at 5[ cents, ünd oue dollar each. Made and sold, wholesalo and retaÃl, hj H. IIARRIS &Co., Ashtabula, Ohio- sote proprietors. Nonegenuine unlesa signod by H. Harrlt on the stereotype wrappcr. The above article may bo had at the atora of J. M'Lean, Jackson; Hale k Smitbf Graes Lalce, and by the principal druggisU Lhroughout the State. Jackson July 4, 1840 _____
Stray Cow
Threshing Machines
S. W. Foster & Co
Grass Lake Academy & Teacher Seminary
Hebrew Plaster
Vegetable Persian Pills
W. S. & J. W. Maynard
Erastus Dean's Celebrated Chemical Plaster
Classified Advertisements
Old News
Signal of Liberty
J. B. Barnes
Foster Tucker
Erastus Dean