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Sixth District Liberty Convention

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OrWe are grntified to publísh to day the foHowingspirited proceedings of our jriends in Ingham and Eaton coutuies. It may be seen ihat they notonly talk of ab. olition, and approve an independent nominntion, but tiiey intend doing sornethin. Let the Signai of Liberty have a general circulation tiirougli these two countie?, and politicians wíl) find, when the election day comes, thut t mny be for their interest not to thow too much contempt for the principies of liberty.Pursuant to a cali (rom tlio county corresponding committcc oí Ingham county, a convention oí' the friends of Liberty Íin District No. 6 ( the counties of Ingluim and Euion,) was held in ihe townshij) of Euton, Éitn Qbúbty, Jüly 7, for the purpose of nomiuuting o candidato for the ófrico of' Ropreseniative to thegtate Lcgislaiure. The eonveniion was orgnnized by appointing, John Barnes Esq., of Aurelius, President. David Pon ek, ) i ? , liEÏÏBY 1 . IVlEEKER,) Elijah If. GuocrJ „ ,. HokvM Fk,, 5 Sect's' On mötion the pjiointed D. W. Loeit wood of Oaüiuia:), V. Mceker of Lesüe, nnd Juhtison SíontQig.ery öjf Eaton, a business cormnUti ' . The coinmiueo then [ji;ssented the Collowmg r2so!u{;rr", whu'n were adopted. Resolved, That nll géntlerneo vvho helievo American Slavery to be a morul and q poülical evil, and are in ñivor of n riisttnet Liberty orgnnizalion are invited lo take u Beat ia (le convention and particípate in llie disjcussions. The convention then adjourncd till 2 o' clock P. M. Met pursunnt toadjournment. The meeting was cullecl to order by the President. The follovyiug resolution was (ben oflered by D. W. L,ockwood. Resolved, That the question of Ameican Slavery is paramount to any oiher ;}nestion, either moral or Politica!, which iiow agitates th8 nation.The resolution was abiy and eloquently eustaincd by D W. Lorkwood, J.C.Pros(on and V. Aleeker ICsq'a. in lengthy ipeeche? and was fínally adrtpled. On motioa of II. P. Mociier, it was vcted ihat we now procced to ballot íor a candidato for ReproentaUve. Whereupon, it was fuiind ihat D. V. Lockwood received a hnudsome mnjority of votes. On nwtion of T. W. Toles,voted (bat D. W. Lockwood be unanimously and cordially supporied, as our candidale for Representativo, and that we rccommend him to the peopleof this district as wortliy of support at the ensuing elcclion. On moiion of D. VV. Lnckwood, voierf that we appoint afiijanciaicommiltóeofsix, where upon the President named David Potter, L. C. Russel and V. Meeker of Ingham County, T. VV. Toles, Johrïaon Montgomery and David Bnrr of Eaton County, as auchcommittee, whó were elected. On raotion of J. V. Handce, voted that the 5nancial committee be the corregponding committoe ofthis district. On motion of D.vid Barr, voted that the fiuancial commitiee bc empowered to procure an agent to leciure in this district, and to increase the circulation of the Sio kal op Liberty, aUo to devise mean3 for the support of such $ft agent during the nsuing poiitical campain. On motion of H. P. Meeker, votcd that we tender tolho inhabiiants of this vicin itylhethanks of thi conveniion for their plendid dinner and öther úvta of hoepitality which they have shown to the nernbers ofthis conven'ion. On inolion of J. C Preston, voted that the proceedings ofthis meel ing be forwarded to the Sionalof Libertv íor publicatlOD. On motion of T. W. Tule?, voted that we adjourn sine die.