Views Of The South

We were opposed to any ugitation of the subject at the called session, for the simple reasoa thatwe wished the few great and important measure3 for which Congress had canvened, speedily despatch pd. This we thoqght alike due to the people, and wise and politie in the Whig party. The resolution oà Mr, Stuart has had the effect to settle the question for tbe present, and to defer it until the regu-' lar session in December. When that time ! comes, we will go with Mr. Wise for instant action; and we would proceed to! act in the mode and manner indicated by Mr. Botts. We would refer all petitions toa Select Commjttee, composed exclu8vely of Nortl;orn raembers.We are tor decisive action now, for the following reasons: The agitators say that the crisis must come - the batile must be fought sooner or later. There can be no more opportune occasion than during the present session. VVe now have a Southern Executive and more strength in Congress than we shall have after the new pppomtment- and we can go into the fight underbetter auspices at no future day, lf we cannot maintain the combatnow, resis tence hereafter will be perfectly die.- On this account, too, it 3 that we are opposed to the2lst rule for this Congress.- That rule would only settle the question for two years- when the next Congress assemble. the conflict would be renewed with diminished forces on our side. Let nnal and decisive action, then, be had next winter, and not entail upon our children the evils whjch we had, not the nerve to meet. Mr. Botts' proposition is the mode which we should adopt to bring the matter to an issue. Submit the whole question to gentlemen from the Norlh. That would test the real friends of the Cunstitution and the South. If we have friends at the INorth, they would then fight our battles for us. If we have no such friends the sooner we ascertain the fact the better.- From ihe action of a Committee thus com posed, wc could learn on what we had to rely. If that action be in support of our Constitutional rights, as we believc it would be, it would exert a moro healthfulinnuence, and have greater weight at the JNorth, than any mcasure emanating from. southern members. But if that action be adverse to us,then it devolves upon us to lookafter ourown sufety, aod the sooner we} do t the better. Some recent observations and much reection, have satisfied us that this is the wisest and most judicious course for the oouth; and as this is a question on which no diversity of opinión should existamongst us we ask to our suggestions the best consideration of the country. The South cannot possibly gain any thing by the continual agitation of this question. By its agitation, our most substantial nterests are become the spor, and we the football ot party hacks. For our part, sooner than to submit to the continuance of this game W? are prepare for ar?y extremjty.