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The Methodist Episcopal Church, Vs. Abolition

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made some remanís, a igw veeks sinee, louching fhtj doings oí the Methodist Episcopal church, on the subject of slavery and abolitiun. We undcrstand these remarks have given muchoffence to certain elcrgy oí Chis denominution, and we are threatened vvjth an ecclesiastical trial fur whnt we have said. i is strauge that we should solar depart from the spirit of the Gospel, and rnanife&t such -aperfectly recldess disposition as to nxpress an opinión of the acls of a certain church and that under the full blaze of the nineteenth century, w (hout pennission from the authorities oí said church. Who, we ask, can brook the idea lor a einglo moment that "ow ministers and tnembers of every class are enlitled to the FULL LÍBERTY OF SPEECH AND THE PRESS EQUALLY VVrrfl ANY OTHER CITJZENS of the United Slates." Awful sentiment this - fit only for the darkestdays of Popery.But, to be seriousjihe columns ofour paper are open, and ïf we are in error in what we have said, letsomeone who feels grievcd come fonvard like a MAN and a CHRlSTi AN and set us right. Wliy all this alurm abotit "the chprcb,'i - why this going from place lo place, crying "schism, radicalism, tetch him to trial, expel him, expel him," &c. fee. This course savors too tnuch ofllie spirit of Lyo gone dayi, (Mark 15, 13, 15,) a wilhngness lo condi.rnn and crucify through ignorance and prejudice. Were we afïlictod with such a spint as this we womIcJ pray God to deliver us. Gen. Con. of M. E. Church of Ifi28.