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Father Nelson's True Voice

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Dr. Bailey. - At no time in the history of our country bas there been greater need oí" knowledge, aud correct informaüon, with regard to the daring encroachments of the elaro power. What American citizen can look on the origin and objectgofthe Florida war, aud the 30,000, 000 of dollars expended to break up tho refuge of the elaves, and not feel inaignant (bat the funds of the nation ehould be applied to such an abominable purpose! Our merchante and mechaaics will certainly not need much more demonatration of the financial power of Blavery. Can any man eay that slavery hae had nothing to do with the preeent state of the currency? Will thio nation ever fiod out how to conduct BuccessfuHy, a syetem of free and 8lave lnbor directly at war ohe with the otherf Who ever saw liberty and slavery floarish togethor? Can they be wedded or gratified one unto the other? - Let who will give us an instance from the history of tlie past. win they not be instrumental in ehowing every man who profess tho religioi of Christ, that when ho goea to the polls, he goea not as a politician but as a Christian? Not only responsiblo to his fellow men, but to God. Who would Christ be in favor of for Governors, Legislators, or Presiden ts, if he were on earth? Ought we to vote as we believe he would have usvote? Ie it indeed true that "as we treathiafollowera we ireat him?" Then if it is true that there is a single slave in all the South, who is really a servant of his, it is not extravagant to say that Jesus Christ himself ia enslaved. "Inasrnuch as yo did it uot lo one of tho least,11 &c. Now ought any man, much leas a Christian,to vote in favor of enBlaving Christ?!! What he does by another, he does himself. Abolitionists, beforo they vote for pro-slavery men ought topray over it, and try and find out the will of the Lord in the matter. I saw enough in Tennessee, not long ago, to "stir a fever in the blood of age." We have but a short time to act for the slave. Who among tho intelligent band ofabohtionists in Ohio, are not in favor of praying, and writing, and publishtng. and preaching, and voting against slavory? We had better begin to vote right now, no matter if the mass do wrong it is no excuse for us. Stand upon the rock of truth, (but be sure you are on the r.)ck)andif your principies are true, you will surely conquer. Mark that! Hoping that all our fnends will continue to labor, and petition, and plead, and act in the cause of those "that aro drawn unto death1' who have no voice to speak for themselves, I am yours for consistent, moral, reügious, and political action. _ , D. Nelsoiï. Romeo, July 19, 1841.A County A. S. Society, in Illinois, recontly passed tho following resolutioa: Resolved, That this Society respcctfully suggest to the President of the United States the propriety of the sentiment expressed in our Declaration of Independence; "that all men have an inalienable right to liberty and the pursuit of happiness;" and that n accordance with that sentiment he be requested to setan example to the people of this republie, by giving back that right to those men whom he now holds as slaves; and that the secreta ry forward a copy of this resolution to the President,