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OCHAUtfes K. Williams, the Liberty Candidato for Qovcrnor of this Btate, has declined being acandidate. Hia address on the occasion is exceedingly courteous and honorable. In reference to the prineiples of the Liberty Party, he eaya : "It is due lo a highly reapeclable class of my fellovv citizens, who I undcrstand l.ave put me in nomination, to say tlmt it isnot from any distrust of the principies lor which they are contending, or any doub#but that they will ultimately prevail thal I decline. The nomination was wbol ly gratuitous, and without the usual formalitiesof asking mj opinión on the subjecfs for which they are contending, and as such it will always be remembered with gratitude. And on those subjects, in the language of a distinguished English Judge, for whose decisions and opinions I entertain a rrrost profonnd respect, I have no hesitation to say, "that standing upou the high ground of natural rights, and disdnining to bend to the lower doctrine of expediency, slavery is inconeistant wiili the genius of the American Constitution, and thal human beings cannot ba the subject maiter of property. And ifslaveiy is recognized any where by law, it is ári anti-christian law, and one which violates the rights of nature." Charles K. William3. Ruiland, July 26, 1841. Another 6tate Convention ie to be held at Wind8or, on the lSth of August, to nomínate a Liberty Ticket.