
G. Beckley, of Ann Arbor, wIl deliver lecturo on the ascendency of tuk slav power in tilia nation, at Ilio Carpente school hotiso in Pittsfield, onThursday, nex week, to comrnence at 7 o'clock, P. M. - The citizens generally aro inviled to hea and thcn judge. LIVINGSTON CO. CONVENTION. OVVe, the imdersigned, legal voters o the County of Livingston, invite all abolà tionists of eaid county, to meet at the vil loge of Howell in said county, on WEDNESDAY, THE 15TH INST. at one o'clock, P. M. ; for the pnrpose of numinating suitable persons to Represent said county n the State Legislature; and also to nomÃnate the requisite County Officers, and to transact such other business as ehall be expedient. James Burnktt, Willi.vm Pish, Isaac Smith, Jason Clabk, J. p. Farnesworth, Da.m;:i. Cook, E. F. Gay, Jonathan Burnett. Howell, August 25, 1841.