
- ne followinr is extracteclïom the letter of n Freewill Baptist siste how at Oberlni College, dated Juno 25th 1841. " It would be considerad a capital criine Ãbr atight Iknow, fur a drunken man to wall the stroets of Oberlin ; and it iö considerec nearly so for a person Ko drink tea, emole tobaccoj take snuif, or we.ir acorsot. Tiicrc is scarceJy a lady i the institution, wiio thinks of wcarinor ono-" I). M. The Milvvaukie Scr.tincl of the 16th uit. says, "Tliore rieyer lias been a tune vvhen settlers vvere flocking into VViskonaan in greater numbers than now. Evcry boat brings us large numbers of emigrants of the most respectable character, and the emigralion by land is very considerable. The position of the Territory is an enviable ono, and tho inducement for aeltlera is greator than in any portion of the West."
Oberlin College
Old News
Signal of Liberty