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Another Slave Burning

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Letter to the Editor
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Mr. Lditok : - Boing in Kentuckey a few days ago, I had from a very intelligent geutloman residing n Oliiü Coutity ni that átate, ihe foltow ing account of ai outrage on humanity, which has notyet, ihiuk, fuund ita way into the public journals. Phigley, living in Ohio county, had on hiie lust year, a slave-boy tenor tvvelve years oíd. Tho boy took the opporluniu aflbrded him by Phigley 's absence to grat ify his appctitO wiih some dned IV u i which he was enabled to lay his haadson For this oiFeace P. togeiher with a mai named Curdwell, who it seems was living with P. beat the boy unmercifully witl 3iicks, switches, '&c. Not satisfied how ever, with having done this, they again seized him, threw him down naked, helr him near a large fire till hia head, body latid Hmbs werobuked toablibter. They coaipleled tlieir diabulical work by saltiug his back. Tho boy died not long aftervard. The owner of tho boy nained Carson,, claimed oí" Phigly and Cardwcll the valují. - Arbítrators weie c-husen, who awanied to Carson 200. Tbis horrible aíiüir took place in Octobor last, and ihe murderers remained un- moleiííed by auy criminal process, till ihe last April term of the Ohio Circuit Court when an indiclment was found against theni. They got out of the way; hut will probably return when the matter is a litilo older. - No proclamation by the Governor offoring a rcvvard for their