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Methodism And Slavery

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i lio füllowing puhlishcd answors wcre givon by Samuel Heuston, a minisier in the Methodist church who lina resided ot tho South, to que3[on9 put to him by Geo. Storr9,thon a minister in iho samo church bul now wilhdrawn, becauao of iheir support of slavery. Qestion. Do ministors and raembers oftheMethod8t Episcopal Church buyund sell slaves fwr the sake of gtiin. Ans. I know that membcrs of the M. E. Chiircl) sell slaves at auction, to the highest bidder; and it s not considered a disciplinary oflcnce. í know of Methodist preachera buying sluves, evidently for the sako ofgain. Quslion. ilow extensivcly do ministers and members of iho M. E. churclihold Blaves and trade in them? Ans. I shoiild think nenrly one half, at least, of the ministers of our church hold slavcs and trado in them; and nearly dl the membors who are able lo own slaves not only hold them,butbuy and sell thcm. I know an oflicinl member of the M. E. Church, that bought atoue purchase $50 000 worth of slaves. 'Esq ofG S. C, and official momber of the M. E. Church, who made it a business to buy and sell slaves in lots to 8uit purcha'sera, hna becomo rich by 8poculation in them,and stili continúes the trado in human beings - trading, not only for himself, but as an agent for olh. era. Ilis houso 9 head quarters for Meth odists, - a house for pr cachéis. He is a chirf man in the church ;and very