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STATE TICKET - FOR OOVERNOR. T1TUS IIUTCH1NSON. FOK I-T GOVKRNOR. ALYA. SAB1N. FOR TREASURER. IIARRY MALE. The Slatc Convention, held at Perkinsville on Wednesday, consideriag that t was in the midst of harvest, was everv way encouraging. Delegates from th"e different seclions of tho state, excepting the extremo north, were in attendance.-- In fact it was a gathering of the true ond trieel men ofour cause, who have been in the baltlefrom the heginning. As we expectcd, the atlcntion of the body was inainly occupied with discussion upon tho politica! dulics of voting abolitionists at the present crisis, and more especially i relerence to the approachimj elcction in this state. The Convention was unanimously of the opinión that neither of the nominees of the politica! parlies íbr the ofiicoof (Jovernorcould be con sislently voted for by aholitionisis. The same unanimiiy uppcaicd as to the propriety of presenting tho name of a candidato in the place of Judge Williams - and the Hon. T1TÜS HUTÓtllNSO.N of Woodatock was utiiled upon with groat cordiality tbr the oilice of ChiefMagistrute Of the expedienoy öf nominnting nu onlire ticket, sotnc doubtes werc expressed, bttt a ful! discussion of tho sñbjeet in all its asnecl3 and bearirig8,resulted in a vote, nearly or quite unanirnous, to present u (uil complement of candidatos for staie DÍlicers. The nominatior. for Lt. üovernor was mado by ballot: Sabin receiving 50 votes, Dr. llunney 32 and Mr. líarber (5. For Trcasurer, the nnme of Mr. Hule being tho only ono mentioned, ho was nonnnated without a dissenling vote. Aa rumors are already Btarted that Judge líutchinson will decline, it is proper to say that thoy are wholly without foundation. Of thecandidates themselvcs, we deern it scarcely necessary to speak. They are well known as honest, capable and faithful men - men who have long since cvinced their attachment to the cnuso of iinmodinie cmancipation, not as a moral question inerely, bul as ihe leading queslion in iho polilical economy of the country. Firnily believing that until the peopie of the North take the high ground, we shall continue in a state oí" political vassalage, wiih scarcoly the poor privilege of struggling in our chaina, - a sort of conquered province, ruled by the tyrants ol' the lasl), - we thirik the time has fully come for nbolitionists to insist upon the support of euch men, and such only, to act as the exponents o{ the public will. - This will bo bul tardily imitaling the policy of the entire South, who long sinco treated the Slave Question as tito pnrainuunt interests in all their political and party organiza tions. lt seems to us that the Freo Inslitulion? oí the land are worth an effort to preserve them from tho encroachments of Slavcry, already threatning their overthrow. And nllweask,so far as the ballot-box is coucerned, is, that candidatesfor offico may be men who will stand up boldly, and fight as manfully for Freedom,as do the poliücians of theöoutli for Slavery. I3ut this never will be done by Northern mon until ubolilionists act consistently - in other words, until we make iho question of Emancipalion,praclically as well as theorelically, the leading and paramount interest of the nation. Tho obove is from the Voicc of Freedom, and edited by L. Knait. Bro. Knapï is ar. old and tried fnend of ours, and altho' he has been rather slow in fallinj in with the "Third Party" movement - yet we have always believed him good and true, and from the above editorial article we draw the conclusión that he "doubls no longer," but will give hia influence and that of the "Voico"m favor of the Liberty Party. We congratúlate our frionds in the Green mounlain Stalet on thö pleasing prospects that are before tlicm. With each of their candidatos for state ofiicera, we have the pleasuie of apereonal and intímate acquaintance. Tlieyaro old and tiied friends of the slave; overy way competent; and we hopo to hear that tliey are elected, for they are worthy.