Classified Ads
CLAIMS AGAIÃST THE COÃNTÃ". JfllHE ANMJAL MEETING of the ft. Board oà County Commissioners for the Counly of Washtenaw, tvill be held at the Clerk's Ollice, on the first Monday of October ncx:, for the purpose of od justing aJl claims against tho County . AU. peraons bavingf such claims are requested to present ihmn on or before that day at the Clerk's UUice in Ann Arbor. Proofby aöidavit or olherwise, that services have been rendered, H bo required. Claims not preBèoted ut that meeting will necessarily be postponed auolhcr jear. JJy order oltlie Board L. C. GOODALE, GlerTc. Ann Arbor, Scpt. 1, li)4l. 19-5} w WHKREAS, MY WIPE, Klivsa K. has left my bed and bourd, wiUiout any just cause or provocation, this 'is to torwarn all pcrsons from trusiing her on my account; as I ïhall puy no debts of her contracting afler Lhisdate. MICHAEL PUTïfeL. BLANKSofevery descriptiön neatljf exccuted at this office. MORTGAGE SALE. 1&EFAULT having been made in the Jgjr condition of a MortgaLe executed by Rufus Crosman and Lucy his wife, to the undersigned, January fifteenth, eigh' teen hundred and thirty eight, and Recor. ded in the Registers office, in tlie county of VVashtenaw, in LÃber No. seven, page Ih ree hundred and ono, of the eqnnl undivided half ofthe"Scit) Mili proporty," including the waier-power, Mills and Machinery.and about twenty five acres of land.aüjoining the villaje of Scio, in said ounty, and lying on buïh sides of the Rivcr Huron, together vvith the rights of flowing lands covered by ihe mili pond, (tor a more particular descripti'ön of the premisi's, refi-rence is made to the record of said mortgage,) and no pror.eediiigs at law having beun instituted to collect the debt secured bv said Morman-e or any part thereöf. Notice 8 hereby given, that said Mortgage wilt be forecloBed by a sale of the mortgagod premises (or some part of tliem; at public venduo at the Court House, in Ann Arbor, in ?aid county on the sixteenthday of Noverr.bnr next.nt noon SAMUEL V. POSTEIl Morigagee. Kingsley & Morgan, Jltly's. Datcd Scio, August Oth, 1841. TAKEN UP, BY the subscribe!', on the thirf y-first day of May last, a span of MARES, one a black Poney, marked P. P. on the left hip; the other a grey, wiih a ring bone and epavin. The owner is requested to prove his tille and pay charges, and they will be delivered. RUFUS TH AYER, Jr. Plymoulh, July 28, 1841. 14-8w. The peculiaritics of this Chemical Com pound, are owing to itsextraordinary effect upon the animal fibre or nerves, ligamenta and musc'.es, its virtues being carried b thcm to the immcdiatc seat of disease, orot' pain and weakness. However good any intcrnal remcdy mav be this as an external application, will provea povverful auxilary, in removing the diseaso and facilialing the cure, in case of Local In. ilamation, Scroffulous Affcctions, King'a Evilj Gout,Inflamtory,and Chronic Rheumatism, and in all cases where seated pain or iveakness exists. "" A travelling in the South of Europe, and Palestine, in 1880, lieard bo mucli said in the latter place, in praiso of jéw David's Piaster; and of the (as he considoredj rniraculuus cures it peufornied, that h was induccd to try it on his owo person for a Lung and Liver affecuon the removal o!' wliich had heen the chief object ot liisjour. m-y, but wliich had rt:sisted the genial influ. ence of" that balmy and de'icious chÃnate f Ie putone over the región of the liver; - tin; mean time he drank freely of an iierli tea of laxativo quahlies. Ue poon found his heakh inproving; and in a few reeltt his couh leiünm, the saüowness of his .skin disappuared, his pain was removed, and hjg liealth becaine perinanently re-instated. It ]as liktïwise been very beneficial in,cft ses of weakness, such as vveaknes and pam in the slomacl), weak linibs, lameness, and offüctions of the spino, female weakness,ko; No female subject topain or weakness inthé back or side shoukl ba without il. Marrieii ladies, in doücato siuiaüons fitid great mlief f rom constanlly weaiing this piaster. No puiïing, er grnat notorious certiiicales. s iutended. Those who wish to satisfy theinselves of the efficacy of this piaster, can obtain sufiiciont to spread 6 or 8 plastera for 50 cents, a sum not half sulficipnt to pay for the insertion of a single certifÃcate into any ofour most coinmon prints, a singlo time.- i ihis irifling price per box is placed upon il, Ãn order thnt it may be within tlie means of every afilicted son and d.uighter of tlie cornmunity ;thtit all.wheiher rich orpoor.may obtain the treasure ot' health, wbich rcsult from its use. Jew David's or Ilebrew Piaster, ia a certain cure for corns A liberal discount made to wholesale pur-, clmsers. Directions accompany each box. Price 50 cents. DooJitlle Ã,- Ray, agents for Michigan. Country agents supplicd by M. W. Birch ard & Co., Detroit. Sold hy Dr. Me Lean Jackson; Dewey & Co., Napoleon: D. D, Kief, Manchester; Ellis &t Pierson, Clintou h Hall, Leoni; G.G. Greweli, Grass Lajtfg Keoler Si Powers, Concord. Aun Arbor, May 12, 18-11. tf TfIKKSHING MACHINES, HORSE POWER, MILLS, &.c. THE undersigned are manufacturingnnd will koeji constanlly on hand at tlieir shop two and a huif miles west of' Ann Arhor, near the Rail Road, HORSE POVVERS and THREolIING MACHINES.- Tlie horse power is a new invenlion by S. VV. Foster, and is d;cidedly superior to any thing of tlie kind ever bef'ore oifered tó the Publicó The pnce of a Four Horse, Poivcr, with a good Threshing Machine is 120 dollars, at the shop; without tlie Machine, ninety dollars. These Horse Powers can be used with two, Ihree or foui horses to good dvantage. Three men with two horses, can thesh one hundred bush'elc of wheat per day (if it yields rniddling well,) and it will not be hard work for thehorsea. The Horse Power and Thresher can bothbo put in a coinmon waggon box, and drawn any dist.uice by two horses. The Two Horse Power will be sold at the shop, with tlie Thresher for one hundied dollars; without tlie 'Vhresher, for seventy-five dollars. They also manufacture STRAW CÃTTERS, recenüy invented by S. VV. Fostbr, wiiich are decidedly preferable to any otliers for cutting slraw or corn stalks, by horse or water power. They also work by hand.-. Price, h'Aeen dollars. - ALSO- CAST-IRON MILLS for grinding prov-. ender, at the rate of six to eigtit bushels per hour, with two horseor by water. - Also- OSWUT MACHINES of superior con-r struction. Invented bv S. W. Foster.- Price, sixty dollars. S. W. FOSTER, k, Co. Scio, June 2d, 1841. 10-ly Produce of evcry Dvscriptio, Mg ECEIVED in payment for Job work, JÃ&J& Advertising and Subscriptions totlia 'Siunal of Liberty," if delivered at the 3(fico, iminedialely over the Stre of J, l.eckley, U Co. jpri 28.