: For The Signal Of Liberty

At a meeting of Abolhionisls of LiviRgstou c.ounty, pursuant lo Cali, at Howell. on Wednesday, the 15th nst. Mr. Daniel Cook was ca lied lo the Chair, and E. F. Gay wasappointed Secretary. It was rcsoived that in order to concéntrate the voters ofabolition in this county, it is expedient that they bc addressed upon ihe subject of Pülitical action in reference to Slavery, and that this meeting stand adjourned to 'l'hursday, the sevenlh dny of October next, at one o'clock, P. M. at this place. Resolved, That the chairman, Mr. Cook bc requested to correspond with and procure, f practicable, some gentlemen to address us. Resolved, That the nominaiion of two Representalives and County Commissioner be deferred until that time.
Livingston County
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Daniel Cook
Edward F. Gay