. Tlie election of State ofricers took place lasi week. At tho Presidenlial election last Pull, the vote stood, Harrison 32,445 Van Buren 18,009, Birney 319. Whig iiïajority 14,117. At the late eleclion, the vote is, Paine, 15,571; Smilie, 15,343; Hulchicson, 2,189: seattering, 228; no choice. Majority against Paine, 2,189; against Smilie, 2,645; ag tinst Hutchinson 28,953. Whig loss, 16,847, or 52 per cent.; Democratie los?, 2,433, or 14 per cent; Liberty gain, 1870, or5S6 per cent. An equal gain for liberly next year will. give Hutchenson 12,827, and in 1843 make him governor ofthe - Eman. Three towns in the Siate gave as manv Liberty votes, as the whole State clid o, vearago. Michigan, wit h a population of212,267 gave 328 iberty votes last fa!l being the largest vote according to population ofany of the States. Vermont with a population of 291,948 gave 319 Liberty votes. According to the aerease in Vermunt, Michigan must give more tlmn 1600 votes in November,, ur she will loose the preyeminencc. Brcthrcn, iet no State take your crown.03a" Wm. CostJohnson and Mr. Thomas who offer theni3elves as rival candidates for the office of Governor of Maryland, have gresd to canvass the state in company, and thus test the efficacy of their politics be fore the people. The Commarcial Advertiser, and American Citizen approve the Plan of selfnommation and stump speeches Thesystem has been commenced in New Vnrk by W. C. Bloss, of Rochester, who m come out with a self nomination for racraber of rhe Assembly. Ã?AIany persons are opposed to the orpanization of r Liberty party because it wil becorae corrupt. Yct the same individuals haveno objection to v-:- for the Whigor democratie parties, u',. , l(,y WIacknowlgeare corrupt !,,,,',. They wiil dieCUSS Wlth Inuc'i guste ui tho objects of these PWies, ând tfiink it n. discredit to a Chris'man or to themselves to vote for them, " poIiticianB leajj in the enterprise; but Ujiien we proposc lo advocate the abolition 01 'he greatest moral and politica! evil in â nation, 7. " parties are so ""pt that we cannot approve of t!" Ast0"'8hiDg_blindnrSsI. FaBEDOM.-Jn a toast given by a Simeón Caugham, at Colutnbia, S. C, a novel ae was proposed for dispatching them: mniuÃb0UlÃOnits-Bhod Wlth "ghtning, fe PeoLÃ8 condfmned h7 the voice of a poder! Wander Over a desert of Sun !aSÃ!fla8hins: arument' if not acbnyifls NAW OHeannCe "eetÃnS WaS lately lield in wait on r? a ""appoinled to operation. leT' and reist their cohcnbSidn,nPLiberty part co"vention bas 'neidinEseex county Mass.