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Pro-slavery Parties

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So far as íhe two great poli tipa I partios of the day are concerned, ve liold tü no principies which both donot in ihe abstract admit. We propose no measures necessanly conflicting willi any of the ol.jccts ai which tliey severally aim. The hope, therefore, "haa long been cherished ihat our views imght be so far impressed upon both, us thm, through them, we might be able to accumplish all that we are destrous to eflect by political action. The experience ofthe lew years past lias pat totíight all such expectations. The deliverance .ofthe country from the reproach and curse of slaverv, the extensión of the blessings ofíiberty 10 our enslavcd countrymen, do not enter into ihe öbjects for which these pames havo buen organized. Admitting slavery to be a greal evil, political as well as moral, il is no part of iheir design lo laborfor iisremoval. Loud in their professions of atlacluncnt to tho prosecutinn of necessary reforms,- both stand alool" from the reform of the greatest abuse wiih which any naiion waa ever afflicicd. With boih, slavery is a matter of minor iinporktnce; an ovil which must bc lelt to curse itself, or always to be postponed lo what ihey deern the great interesls, íor which ihey are contending. Vrñth the one the establishment of a fiscal ageni foi; the deposite and disbursement of the public money, is an object of infinitely more imporiance than securing to milliuns their inalienable righis. With the oüicr, the overthrow of a paltry monopoly of some twent-five millions, in the íormof a nalionnl batik, is a question imtneasurablv of more moment, than the ovcrthrow oí the most gigantic monopoly the woild has ever witnessed- a monopoly founded in violcnce and wrong, and requiring for is protection the utler subversión of every principie of rcpublican government - a monopoly based on a capital oftwelve hun dred millions the estimated value of tluproperty in slaves, concentrated in the hands of a few individuáis united more firmly by a comrnoa interest titan any banking corporalion in the country; having for its special benefit twenty-five representativeson the floor of Congress; wiel ding with sleepless vigilance its collosal power in the controlsof eleclions, and in the management of the whole exiernal policy ofthe country for its own preservation nnd extensión. Composed in part of slaveholder?, and each in its turn deriving its asccriduncy from the votes ofthe slaveocracy, ihe adoption by eiiher of any one the objects at which we aim, or the exertion even of iis moral power against slavery, would occasion (üe iramediatè desertinn from iCa rñuk's bf all the southern members, and all ihat portjoo ofthe iiortheru, thiü under the in fluencefof commercial or oihcr rohiiioop, is ever ready to subinic lo the demands of the slave power. That any e?sential aid to our cause will be derived from eiiher of these partits, as they are at present constituted, with iheir iuherently low estímate of the paVafnoúnt valué of human rights, and biindod as they are wilh partiz;ui interests, isbeyond all reasonable expectation . Deriving alike in a great measure their political power frorn slavery, to slavery alike they must bow. Bound alike to the car of is modern Moloch, by cords which neither is disposed to scver, they move not except as they drag wilh them tlie blood-besmeared idol. Addrcss ofthe Miinc Abolitionisls.