When a runuway slave s apprehended, a minute Ãlescriplion oà liis person appears in tlie adverüsement; the name of tlie owner to vvhoin he says he belongs- in addition, a letter or message is sent to Ir.m . When a free colored man is apprehended and lodged in jail, the advertisementsappear to be inlentionally blind. Nothing appears in them to indÃcate where the man is from, or who his friends are, or to give noticc to them; nor do they get nolice unless some philonthropic man ncar rnakes special inquiry. Then if the unlortunate man happens to be in the hands of kidnappers, any person interfering vvould have notice iliat he was doing it at his ncril. I have been led to suspect, that a system of kidnapping carried on by those who aopear at the North in the character of gentlemen. VVhen last in Philadelphia, u young colored man, a biirber, asked mv advice a bout attending a man to Mississippi, as a waiier, with the promise of Hbs eral wa ge?, employment as a coachman, &,c. I told him the design was undoubtedly to make him a slave, and advised him not to go there. I have supposed thut these credulous men were induced to go there under these liberal promise? - probably dfsrhissecl aftera while, and then thrown into jail, and so'd as runaway slave8. The free States should refuse lo give up any person claimed as a slave coming from States where the righls of free colored persons are invaded, or taken from them by unconstitutional laws. If free colored persons have no righls in the slave States, slavery ehould have none in the free States. The sooner the South are made to understand that the botter. If the North deals svith them firmly anddecidedly, they will bo respected accordingly. If the North tamely yieltl their rights, they will meet wilh isïsolence and contempi.The first lot of butter ever exported from Michigan, carne by the Rochester, from Detroit, yestorday. - Buffalo Paper.
Fugitive Slaves
Butter Making
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Gerrit Smith