Classified Ads
Jew David's Or Hebrew Plaster The peculiarities of this Chemical Coinpound, are owing to itsextraordinary effeci6 upon the animal fibre or nerves, ligamenta and muscles, its virtues being carried by them to the immediatc eeat of disease, orof pain and weakness. However good any internal remedy mav be this as an exlernal application, will provea powerful auxilaty, in removing the diseaso and faciliating the cure, in case of Local In. flamafion, Scroffulous Affections, Kjng'g Evil, Gout,[nflamtory,and Chronic Rheurua. tism, and in all casea where scated pain or weakness exists. A gentlemen travelling in the South of Europe, and Palestine, in 1830, heard so much said in the Jatter pl.tce, in praise of Jew David's Pluster; and of the (as he considered miraculuus cures it peiformed, that he was induced to try it on his owq persoR, fur a Lung and Liver affeciion the removatof wijicli h;id been the chief object of his journey, hut yyhich had resisted the génial influ. ence of that baliny and delicious chÃnalo He put oue over the región of the liver;- :n th; mean time he drank freely of an hcrl tea of laxativo quahties. He eoon foúpá his heallh inproving; and i a feiv weeks his cougli left him. the sallowness of his tkin disappeared, his pain was removed, and his health becaine permanently ;. It has hkewise been very beneficial inca1, ses of weaktiesa, such aa weaknes and paiá in the slomach, weak lirnbs, lameness, and öffections of the spiue, female weaknessj&c. No female subject topain or weakness ïutho back or side should be without it. Married ladies, iu delicate situations find great relief f rom conslantly vveaiing this piasters No puffing, er grjat notorious certifÃcales is Sntended. Those who wish to satisfy themselves of the eflicacy of this piaster, caii oblain sufficient to spread 6 or 8 piasters for 50 cents, a sum not half suflicient to pay for the insertion of a single certifÃcate into any ofour most common prints, a single time.- ihis irifling pricc per box is placed upon il, in order thal it may be within the means of eve.ry afllicted son and dnughter of tliecommunityjthat all, wliel lier rich orpoor.tnuy obtain the treasure of healtb, hich resulti from its use. Jew David's or.Iiebrew Piaster, is a certain cure for corns A liberal discount mnde to wholesale purchaéers. Directions accompany each box. Price 50 cent?. Doolittle Ã,- Ray, agents for Michigan, Country asiente supphed by JI . VV. Bircb ard &, Co., Detroit. Sold hy Dr. McLean Jackson; Dowey 8c Co., JS'apoleon: D. D, Kief, Manchester; Ellis Si Pierson, Clinton F. Hall, Leoni; G.G. Grewell, Grasa Lake Keeler Si Powers, Concord. Ann Albor, AJay 12. 1841. tf THE undersigned are manufacturingand will keep constaritly on hand at their shop two and a half mile6 west of Ann Arhor, near (he Rail Road, HORSE POW. EllS and THIICÃHING MACHINES.- The horse power is a new inveniion by S. VV. Fostkr, and is d cidedly superior to any thing f the kind ever beforo offored to the Public. The pnce of a Four Norse Puiver, witli a good Threshing Machine is 120 dollurs, y at the shop; without the Machine, ninety dollars. These Ilorgq Powers can be used with two, Ihreo or four horses to good advantage. Three men with two horses, can thresh one hundred busliels of wlieat per day (jf it yields middling wel),) and it will not ba hard woik for the horses. The Horse Poiuer and Thresher ean botli bc put in a common waggon box, and drawn any distance by two horses. The Two Horse Power will be 6old at the shop, with the Thresher for one hundred dollars; without the Thresher, for-seventy-five dollars. T-liey also manufacture STRAW CUTTER.S, recenily invented by S. W. Foster, which are dcciciedly preferable toanyothers for cutling straw or corn stalks, by horse or water power. They also work by hand.- Price, fifteen dollars. - ALSO- CA T-IRON MILLS for grinding provender, at the rate of six to eight bushels per hour, witli two horses or by water. - Ai,so - ffSMUT MACHINES of superior construction. Invented by S. W. Fostek.- Price, sixty dollars. S. W. FOSTER, Si Co. Scio, June 2ö, 1841. 10-ly "â nEFAULT having been made in ihe Jp contlition of a Morlgage executcd by Rufus CrosEian and Lucy hia wife, ! to the undersigned, January iif'teentli, cigliteen hundred and thirty eight, and Recors dud in the Registers office, in the couuty of ; Wiishtenaw, in LÃber No. seven, pagethree I hundred and one, of the i-qual undivided half i of lhe"Scio Mili property," tfie waier-power, Mills and 3Iachinery,and about twenty five acres of land.aojoining tke village of Scio, in 6aid county, and lying ou botli sides of the.River Huron, together witli the rights of ilowing lands covered by tho mili pond, (för a more particular dcscription of the premisi'Sj reference is made to t lio record of said mortgage,) and no proceedings at law hav'.ng been instiitited to collect the debt secured by said Morlgage or any part thureof. Nolice is hereby givej), tliat said Mortgage wilt be fort'cloBed by a sale oà tho mortgagod premises (or eome part ' themj at public vendue at the Court House, in Ann Arbor, in said county on the sixteenth day of November next, at noon. SAMUEL VV. FOS TEll Morgagee. Kinoslev & Mougan, Atly's. Dated Scio, August 9:h, 1841. BlaukS! Jil;itaS!!! Sliaufet ! !' JUST PRINTED, on fine paper and in a superior style, a. largc assortment of blank summons, subpecnas, Execu tions, &c. - For sale at tlns oliice. Woód! Wood! Wootl! WANTED IMMEDIATELY, a fe corda of good hickory wood in cchange for the mignal of Liberty"