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ONLY SEE! "SHILLING CALICÓES FOR NJNEPENCE," THE subscribcr hasjuet recel.ved fcom New York, to tcli :ii commission, a general assortment of DRif-GOODS wliich he will sell duicIj lmver than has ever before !ecn offered iu this place- -for specie or Easteru f'unds, or on equivalent. He designs making it a ready pay business, CJnsequeuüy no credit will be given. DVVIGHT KELLOGG Ann Arbor, (luwer village, No. 5, ï Huron block,) Ocl. Gth, 1841. y TAILOUING BUSINESS! A M. NOBLE, would respectfully in.-t-. form the citizens of Ann Arbor and. lts vicinity, (hat he has recently opened a shop in tl)cï Lovver Town, irnuiediately over the late mercantiJe stand of Lund Gibson, and opposite the shoe store of J. Beckley. &; Co., where lie is prepared at all timeato, do work in l. is line, witu ptoraplnesa, and iu' a neat nnd durable rnanner. Particular attention will be paid to cutting garmenls. Produce will be taken at tna isual prices, for work done at hisshop. - Phose who have cash to pay for services of his kind, are particular invited to cali. P. S, - Wanted, a boy from 12 to 15 yearfl uf age, as an apprentice to the Tailoriug iusines6. Ann Arbor, Octobcr 6, 1841. if The peculiarities of this Chemical Co&u pound, are owing to itsextraordinary eiiects upon the animal libre or nerves, ligaments and muscles, its virtues being carried by them to the immediato seat of disease, orof pain and weakness. However good any intornal remedy mav be this as an esternal application, wili prove a powerful auxilary, in removing the disense and faciliating the cure, in case of Local In. flama) ion, Scroffulous Affections, King'a E vil, Gout, Inflamtory, and Chronic Rheuraatism, and in all ca9es where seated pain or weakness exists. A gentlemen travelling in the South of Europe, and Palestine, in 1880, heard so much said in the latter place, in praisc of Jew David's Piaster; and of the (as he considered miraculous cures it pcrfornied, that was induccd to try it on hts own person, fora Lung and Liver affeclion the remevalof which ud fn;en the chief object of his journey, but which had resisted the genial infiu.' ence of tiint baltny and delicious climate He put one over the regiun of the liver; - :n the mean time he drank frcely of an iisrb tca of laxativo qviahties. la eoon found healih inprovmg; and i a few weeks' h;s cougd leftliim, the sallowness of hts skin disappeared, his pain was removed, and liis health beciimc permanently rc-instaled. It lias hkewise been vcry boneficial ncn.s ses of we;tkness, such as vveaknes and pam in the, weak limbs, lameness, and eSectione oí" the spine, feinalc weakness,&,c. No feiijale subject topain tr weaknees in the back or side should be without it. Marricd lacl'ieá, i:i delicate sitiiations find great rÜef from conslanlly v.eming this plasler. No puÜiogi or great notunous certifícate is intonded. Those who wish to satisfy thomsclves oftlie cfficacy ofthis plasior, eau obinin sufficiont to spread 6 or 8 piasters for 50 cents, a sum not half sufiicipnt to pay for tho insuriion of a singlo certifícate into any ofour most common prints, a single timo.- . ihis liiiling pricc per box is placed upon it, in order that it may be within the rneans of cvory afïlicted son and d;mghter of ihc com. munity ;that all.vvlieïher ricli or poor.may ob-, tain the treasure of health, which resull froin its uso. Jew David's or Hcbrew Piaster, is a ceríain cure for corns A liberal discount made to wholesalo purchnsers. Directions accompany each box. Price 50 cents. Doolittic S Ray, agenís for Michigan; Country i'Rcnts supplied by M. W. Birch ard Sc Co., Detroit. !Sold l.y Dr. McLean Jackson; Dewey &i Co., Napoleon: D. D. Kief, ManoJicster; Ellis & Pierson, Clinton F. Hall, Leoni; G.G. Grewell, Grass LalQ I Keeler fo Powers, Concord. Ann Arbor, May 12, 1841. tf THRESHKnG MACHINES, HORSE POWER, MILLS, &c. HE undcrsigned are manufacturing-and til will bèép constantly on hand at tlieir shop tvvoanda half miles west of Ann Arhor, near liio Rail Road, HOUSE POW. ERS and TFIIIESHING MACHÍNRS.- T!io horso power is a new invenlion by S. VV. Füsti;r, and is doeidedly superior to any thing of tito kind ever before ofiered to the Public. Tlie pnce of a Four Horse Poiuer, with a good Threshing Machine is lilO dollars, at the shop; wil hout the Machine, ninety dollars. These Horse Powers can be ust-d with tw, ihreo or four horses to good advantagë. Three men with two horses, ron thesh one hundred bushcls of wlieat por day (if it yields rniddling wcll,) and it will not be hord work for the horses. The Horse Poxucr and Tkresher can bolhbe put in a coinmci waggon box, and drawn iiny distance ly two horses. The Two Horse Power will be sold at the shop, with the Threslter for one huncfred dollars; without the Thresker, for srventy-five dollars. Vlu-y i,!so manufacture STRA.W CUTTERS, recenily inventcd by S. VV. Foster, wiiich are decidedly prefc rabie to any others for cuttinpr straw or corn stalks, by hore or water power. Tliey nlso work by hand.- Price, fii'tecn dollars. - ALSO- CAST-IRON iMILLS for grinding prov- endor, at the rate of six to eiglit busiicls por hour, with two liorses or by water. - Aiao - (LTSMUT MACHINES of puprior con-,, struction. inventcd by S. W. Foster.- Price, sixty dollars. S. W. FOSTER, fc Co. Scio, June Crf, 1841. 10-ly MORTGAGE SALE. gEFÁULT havingbeen madn in tlie Lj$ condition of a Mortgage executed by Rufus Crosman and Lucy his vvife, to the undersigned, January lifteenth, eighteen Jiundred and thirly eight, and Recor ded in thü Registers office, in the county of Wnshtenaw, in Liher Ño. seven, pagethrco iiu'ndred and one, of the equal undividcel ifllf of the "Scio Mili property," including the waier-power, lills and Machinery.and ahout twenty five acres of Jand,aojoining the villaga of Scio, in said ounty, and iying on both sides of the River Htiron, together with the rights of flowing lands covered by llie mili pond, (for a more particular description of' the premiscBj reference is made to tbe record of said mortgage,) and no proceedings at la-.v having been instituted to collect the debt secured !y said Morlgage or any part tbereöP. Notice is hereby given, that said Mortgage will be foriíclosed by a sale of the mortgagod premises (or eome part of tliemj at public vendue ut the Court House, in Ann Arhor, in paid county on the 6ixteenthday of November next, at noon. SAMUEL W. FOSTER Morgagee. KlNGSiEY & MOUGAN, Attis. Dated Scio, August flth 1841. Jilaisüis! Bli&EBksü BíniiSisi í ! : "P"UST PRINTLID, on line paper and &!i? in a superior style, a lurge assorl ïient of blank summons, subpoenas, Execu;ions, &c. - For sale at this otiice. Wood! Wood! Wood! WANTED IMIMEDIATELY, a few cords of good hickory wood in ox :hange for the "Signai. of Liberty."