The N. A. Trust And Banking Co.
This is one ot tne irec uuuks ri mt,u ,u m. city under the General Banking Law oà New York. A't tlie head of i' was placed one thfe most distinguished managers our city afÃords, and yet in two vears it has contrived lo tlestroy its cre.lii, aud well nigh to sink ils immense capital of upwards of threè millions of dollars. The principie cause of tbis disaslerous result is thus set forth by a coramittec of the drrectors,inalate report. After referring lo their failure to obtain a cash capital fur subscriptions in England, as well as of ihe various expedienta of buying State Stocks on credit and selling for cash, &c, they say : ' "Prior to thie, howevcr, the Company Ãi'au' extended its banking opcrations, and 8a?! P&fcd certificates o'f deposit paysble h'tu. hrr'finr{ in London, for ahout one milli-'n; in nHdition oà southern and po'.ithwestern funde vvero purchased, wiih the viewof beingsent foTward for collection. Thepe wáÃalso bout $1,000.000 loaned on individual bon. I?, with stocks ais collaterÃK, Wiren the lonns becotnc due, tho sto.-hs hnd' very nmch depreciated, and some of (he borrowcrs had become inso!ve:it. The Directors were therefore obligou ro take such ?cf.urity as it was in of thc p:riies to give, thereby cacsing nn absorplion of cash funds, nad iheir conversión inÃo bonds and mortgarea. A considerable portion ot'the southern paper was prófèsted for non-piyniont and ÃBat vyhich was paid was locked up in the soulbëro and south-western banka; which having suspended specie payments renlered the funds unavailablo." As ihe result of their transaciions they now show among their nssetls, upwards of Cour millions of dollars in bonds and morteacs. The report does nottell s exactPy how large a share of this sum rests on cotton plnntalions and shives, which eau neithcr be sold nor redc-med, unless some irtificial systcm of credit can be built up, by which the future earnings oi free labor atvhe Nonli can be pledged and transferred as uvailable capital to the hopelessly batikri'pl South. The above was published in the Emancipator last winter, with other statementsj showin how the banks fail on account of their bad debts at the souih. The latest mformation we have concerning the above institution is, that it h ust:d up - ihat an injnnction hap been placed upon it, and it has heen summoned to show tvby receivers should not bc appointed to wind un its concerns. SjcIi ia the resull of dubbling wtih the bonds of slaveholder?. It isunsafe trusting thosc v.ho oarn nothing thein ?clves,and live only by the robbery of othei's.
Banks & Banking
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