Whigs And Abolitionists

We have been credibly informed that at an abolition convention recently held in an adjoining county, several leading whigs proposed to some of the abolitionists that if they would give up their third party organization, the whigs would carry out the measures for which the abolitionists were contending, viz: the right of trial by jury for fugitive slaves, and the extension of the right of suffrage to the negroes. The abolitionists declined acceeding to the terms, slating that their petitions had been treated disrespectfully, last winter, by the whig legislature. The whig leaders may succeed better in other places than they did at this, therefore a word of caution may be necessary. The above facts show two things : First - that the whig leaders are dubious of the result of the approaching contest, without the aid of the abolitionists - Secondly-- that the whig leaders are wiliing, secretly and covertly, to pledge their whole party to the support of a measure which they dare not openly avow and advocate, viz: the extension of the right of suffrage to negroes. Let the whigs openly and boldly avow that they are in favor of negro suffrage, and they will find themselves in a hopeless minority in Michigan. Mich. Democrat. Whence the facts above mentioned were obtained we do not know, nor in which 'adjoining county' they occurred. The Democrat need not be alarmed with the 'apprehension that the Whigs will succeed better in other counties with their propositions. The Abolitionists have been deceived and beguiled too often by the fair promises of 'leading Whigs' and leading Democrats too, to put confidence in any such offers of service. Whether the Whigs will succeed at the coming election "without the aid of the Abolitionists" cannot now be known . The Whigs have doubtless counted the cost, and are prepared to abide the issue. As a matter of course, they can receive no "aid" from any advocates of the Liberty party which will imply the abandonment of their own nominations. The friends of Liberty will pursue a straight forward course, until they succeed in their objects. We have nothing to hope from the good will of either party; and if they ever favor our objects, their favor will be extorted from their fears on account of the power of our organization, We know distinctly where we stand in reference to both parties, and know how to appreciate the propositions which may be thrown out by either. On word as to the propriety of negro suffrage. We conceive that our colored citizens should have the right of suffrage, and we believe that before long they will have it. They have the privilege of voting in most of the New England States. Why should they not? We should like to have the Democrat bring forth its strong reasons (if it has any,) against granting the right of suffrage to all colored American citizens who pay taxes, and are permanent residents of the State.
Old News
Signal of Liberty