Edward Everett
The hésitátion of the Senate to confinn ihe nonnnaiion of Elwani Everctt as minister lo Engiand, brought out iïoin eermin edilors a vully oÃ' ht and hnsiy aser tious, as though llicy wcre, in a supposablo and probable cönlingeocyj ready lo rally a Northern party fur the rescue of pë'nfed freedom, and tur a nÃahfuà rè.sisfance of the slrive-puwer aggressïóns. To all lliis senseless vaporing, the editor of the Emancipator, with admirable c'oölhesa and forecasl, thu.s acfdreè'sé's iiirnÃclf: 'We wam our friends not to be taken by this device. Wo are not a ncri.'iern party, but iijibérty pariy. We war n l upon the Bputlj, but upun slavery. Oiir caadidaie is every inch a Soiuhron, in all thos'; characieristics of Southern men vvhich do not arise (roni siavery, directly or iudireclly. The ven' nim and object of our enterpriso is nol töinjurenr desiroy the Soytli.? bat tó tÃAVÃ; TÃÃE SOUTH from ihe disastcrous cffects of its own viciqus lisagës,'. We intend to do the peopleofthe Suulh the greatest possible iiindaesS) by leading, persuading and help mg them to deliver themselves from tlïeir greaiest scourge. Our patriolic reards embraee our couuüy - OUÃl WÃJOLE COUNTRY. We fight not the battles of Nbrfhërn righis againát.sbutbern cncroach ments, but of FRKE LAUOll agïiihst ihe oppressions and assumptions of slavery. Of what upc to the finti slavery cnuso vv.uld be a uorthern party hended by such menas Webster, Souili-ird, Bates, Phelps Tallinud ge, and the !ik?? or VunjBuren, Kendnll, flill, Greéhe, and that sort'? sustained by such papers ns ihe Busion Atlas and New York Commercial, Webb, Noah, Daniels, &c? or the Albany Argus, Boston Post and ihe Globe? For ourselvcs, we siiould 'regard the formation of sueh a party disastèrous, because it w-ould divert ihe public mind from the real issue. Let aboiitibnisis levare of Ãor?alung their own colora, fr any delusión wbalever. Voto iv no man who sustáins slavery or slaveholder?. Vote for no man who is not Itn.own to be ready to do all that is constituiionally in bis power to put