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ONLY SEE! "SHILLING CALICÓES FOH NINEPENCE." TUEsubscriber husjust rceived from New York, to soll on commission, a general assortment of DRY-GOODS which he wilt sell mucli lower than bas ever before been ofFered n this place - for 6pcie or Eastern funds, or an equivalent. He designs making it a ready pay bu3noss, consequently no credit will be given. DWIGHT KfcLLOGG. Ann Arbor, (lower villaje, No. 5, ) Hurón block.) Oei. 6th, 1841. S "TÁÍfjOKiNG BUSINESS! AM. NOBLE, would respectfully in fonn the citizens of Ann Arbor and its vicinity, tliat hc hua reently openod a shop in the Lower Tovvn, immcdiatoly over the late mercantile stand of Lund fy Gibson, and opposite the shoe Btoro of J. BecJdey, &, Co., vvhere lie is prepared at all times to do work in his line, with promplness, and ia a neat and durable rnanner. Particular attenlion will be paid to cutting garmenls. Produce will be taken at the usual prices, for work done ot his shop.- Those who have casli to pay for services of Lhis kind, are particular invitcd to cali. P. S. - Wanted, a boy from 12 lo 15 year of age, as an apprentice to the Tailoringf Busmebfi. Ann Arbor, Octobcr 8, 1341. tf Produce off evevy Dcscrïptioiaj MECEIVED in payment for Job work, Advertieing and Subscriptions to the "Sigxal of Liberty," if delirered at the Office, immediately over the Lt)rc of J. Beckley, fa Co. Apri 2. The pecu!inriti:s of this Chemical Compouud, are ovjing to iteextraordinary effecti pon tbc animal fibre or nerves, Iigameni8 and muscles, its virtues being carried by them to the immediate seat of disease, orof pain and weakness. Howovor good any internal remedy may b this as an extcrnal appücation, will ptOve a powerful auxilary, in removing the diseasa and fuciliating t ho cure, in case of Local In. flamalion, Scrofiulous Affections, Kingi E vil, Gout,lnilamtory,and Chronic llheumatisrn, and in all cases wln-ro stated pain or jveakntiss exista. A gentlemen travelling in the South of Europe, and Palestine, in 1680, hcard so mucli said in the lalter place, in praise of Jew David's Piaster; and of the (as ho consideredj miraculuus cures it perfornied, tliat hu wus induced to try it on his own person, fora Lung and Liver affeclion the removal of. which had ln;en the chief object oí his joutney, but wliich had resisted the genial influt ence of that balinyand deücious climate.- He putoiiG over the región of the Jiver: - - :n. the uiean time he drank freely of an herb tea of laxativo quahties. He 6oon found: his hcalth inproving; and in a few week his.cough lefthim, the saliowness of his skin disappcured, his pain was removed, and lus health bt'came permanently re-instated.. It has likewise been very beneficial inca 6es of vveaknées, such as weaknes and pairb in the slomnch, weak limbs, lameness, and-, oiloctiuns of the spine, feinale weakness,koi, No female subject to)ain r weakness inth back or side should be ithout it. Warried' ladies, in delicate siLuations find great ralief from constantly weaiing this piaster. No puüjng, er grat notunous certifícate 3 lateJided. Tliuse who vvish to satiefy themselves oft!e efilcacy of this piastor, caa obioin sirtBciopt to spread G or ö piasters fot 50 cents, u sum net half suflicierit to pay foF the.insertion of a single certifícate into any ofotir moat conjtüori priol-ï, n singlo time. ihia trifling' piice por box is placed po il,, in order that it rnay be wiüun ihe means of every afllicted son and d;mghter of tliu community;that oll.whether ricli or poor.may obtain the tieasuro oï health, which resuil. froui ils ose. Jew David's or ilobrew Piaster, is a certain cure lor corns A liberal discount made to wholcsale purchiiscrs. Direcüona accompany each box. Prita 50 cciiis. DoöJfUle S, Ray, agenls for MichigkiV. Country ?sents eupphed by M. W. Biroh ard Si Co., Detroit. Sold by Dr. McLean Jackson; Dewey U Co., Napoleon: D. D, Kief, Munchoster; Ellis k, Pierson, ClintoB F. Hall, Leoni; G.G-. Grewcll, Grns8 Iiaks Kecler i Powers, Concord. Ann Arbor, May 12, 1841. tf THE undersigned are manufocturingnnrt Vvill keep constanlly on hand at their shop two and a half miles west of Ann, Arhor, near the Rail Road, HORSE POW. EKS ami THREÜHING MACHINES.- The horse power is a new invenlion by S. VV. Fostkr, and is docidedly superior to any tbing of' the liind ever bcfore offered to the. Public. The pnce of a Four Horst' Power, w'iih o. good Thresliing Machine is 120 dollars, at the shop; without the Machine, ninety dollars. These Horst Powers can be used with two, three or four horfios to good advantnge. Three men witb two horses, con tiire8h one hundred bysheis of ivheat per day (f it yields middling well,) and it wül not be iiard work for the horses; The Horse Power and Thresher can bothbe put n a coinmon waggon box, and drawn any distapÖB hy two horses. The Two Horse. Poteer will be soid at the shop, with. the Thresher for one hundred dollars; without the 'Vhresher, for sevenly-five dollars. They also manufacture STRAW CÜTTERS, recenily invented by S. W. Fosteh, which are decidedlypreferable to any othcr. for cutting straw or corn stalks, by horse or, water power. They also work by hand.- - Price, fifteen dollars. - ALSO- CAST-IRON MILLS for grinding prov-. ender, at the ra! e of six to eight bushels pet hour, with two horses or by water. - - CC?SMUT MACHINES of superior cobstruction. Invented by S. W. Poster.- Price, sixty dollars. S. W. POSTER, & Co. Scio, June 2r3, 1841. 10-1 y "rkEFA.ULT havingbcen made in tho j condition of a Morlgajre executed by, Rufus Crosrnan and Lucy his wlfa, (o the undorsigned, January fifteenth, eighteen hundred and thirty eight, and Recors ded in the Registers office, in the county of Wushtenaw, in Líber No. seven, pagethrea hundred and one, of the equal undivided hall of the "Sci'i i Mijl property," includirïg thowaier-power, Mills and Machinery.and about t went y íive acres of land.aojoining the village; of Scio, in 6aid ounty, and lyiog on bolli sides of tho River Uuron, together vvith the rights of flowing lands covered by the mil!' pund, (for a more particular description ol the pieiTiispsj referencc is made to Üw record of said mortgage,) and no proceedings at law having been instituted to col-' lect the debt secured by said Morlgage or any part thcreof. Notice is hereby given, that said Mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of tho mortgagod premises (or some part '- them; at public vendue at the Court House, in Ann Arbor, in paid county on the bxteenthdny of November next, ot noon. SAMUEL VV. POSTER Movtgagee. KiiNGsley & Morgan, Atty's. Dated Scio, August 9th, 1841. Blauks! Slaulis!! Biaiíii!ü "HUST PRINTED, on fine paper ancU 9W in a superior style, n. large ïpsort ment of blank sumraons, siibpoenas, Execu-tionsj k.c. - For sa!e at this office. WooíI! Wood! Wood! WANTED IMMEDIATELY, a fe cords of good hickory wood ijo e"1" ehange for the "Sumul o