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Letter From Joseph Morrison

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Letter to the Editor
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Poktiac, October 19, 1841. Good news from Genessee county. 1 receivcd on the 13th ins't, an opeo letter from a Mr. Corwin at Flint (Fhnt village in Genessee) directed lo myself "or the corresponding committee of Oakland Co." Jatcd n September, enquiring whelher the Oakland county convention had made a nomination for the State Senate, (títh district) and giving notice of a convention to be held on the 12th inst. at Flint. So we see that Genessee is in the field. - When we made the nomination we were not aware that there were any political anti-slavery men in Genessee. On the 5th of July Í talked to an intelligeni and attentive audience in Hadley, Lapeer co., (not far from .the line between Oakland and Lapeer,) two hours in a continuous speech, in which 1 endeavored to exposé the nature and intrinsic vileness of slavery - its moral and political bearings in a community of freeman - its certuin ten dency to sap the foundations of our free iustitutions - and insisted on an immediate efficiënt, political organized action a the adequate remedy. Most of the audiencc had never befor heard an anti-slavery lecture. Sinc then they have been holding abolilio meetings on both sides of the county lin with considerable success. The friend there have exerted an influence which ha reached other towns, in one of which I am told there will be forty liberty votes cas at the ensuing clection. The natiomi gag - the tnunner of dividing the nett pro ceeds of the public lands - the vctoes - ih nominating and confirming ninc slavehok ders as ministers to foreign courts, am laying the tenth one on the table on th charge of lus being an aboiitionist, there by truckltng to suuthern dictation, hav i ad ii eed many to cut loose from their ok parties and unite with the friends of liber ty in voting up instead of voting doio their principies. I am quite aTyler man for 1 think he is doing a good deal to enlighten northerners about the danger oi longer succumbing to the everincreasin demands of a restlcss, liberty-devourin slavocracy.Our party is small, out is tnis reaso for discoumgement? Let us remembe that we have espoused the cause of huma liberty. The old republican party had il beginnifig and contended with the federa party for years before it obtuined the as cendency. The present whig parly con tended wiih the democratie party for somwclve years bcfore it succeeded in disdging its poütical encmy, and shnll ours ave less perseverance? Shoulder to houlder with persevering activity, and nder God we shall triumph. Yours. &.r