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National And State Addresses lio conseqiicnce of llie íucrcasiiígr teiisanl...tlic formcr saspplj bcíug: exliausted; TWO THOUSANJD COFIBS of ílie uDovc Addrcsses are how rcady fór dclivecy. Scnd iu yonr orders ísnuiediatelF. Frico $2,00 per lniiidred. Addrcss, N. SUL.LIVAN, Aun Arbor. STkEFAULT having been made in the P jr paymentofa certaiu sum of money, secured by indeiiture of mortgage. execnted by Barney Davanny to Jacob L. Larzelere and George li. JJaniels, dated, July the 21st, A. I). 1837, and recorded in. the regi6ter's office in the county of Washtenaw, Aichigan, on the 28th day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven, in liber five of mortgagess at page two hundred and eighty-three, whcreou is due at the date of this notice two hundred and eight dollars and forty four cents, which said mortgage has been duly aEsigned to the eubsciiber. Notice Is theretore hereby given that on Thursday the third day of February next, at one o'clock, p. m., at the Court House in th viilage of Ann Arbor, in the county of WaBhtenaw will be sold at public auction the premises jn said mortgage deecribed, being all that all cerlain piece or parcel of land sitúate in the county of Wasntenaw, Siate of Michigan and boundcd and desetibed as follows: it being the west half ofthe 6outhwest quarter ot' section number eeven, in townahip number one eouth of range number four east, containing eiglity one and thir ty one hundr'edth acres of land. FRANCIS M'CONIN, Assignee. L. H. Hewitt, Attorney Dated Nov. lst 1841. IN ATTACHMENT. In attachmeut, bofore C. W. Lane Justice. William Sperry. i vs. Wnshtenaw county, ss. Carlos Joslin, ) AN altachnoent having issued in the above entitled cause, and the defendant not havingappeared at the return thereof; notice is tberefore hereby giveu that the said cause cause s continued to the Ii3t!i day of November next( at one o'c.lock in the aiiernoon, at the office of the said justice in the village of Ypsilanti, in soid couuly. WILLIAM SPERRY. August 4, 1841. 27-4w Prodaice oí cvevy I4;sc'ijrtiOsj, BS ECEIVED in payment for Job work, JHLV Advertising and Subscriptions totlie "Signal of Libebty," if delifcred at the OlKce, immediately over the Stre of J. Beckley, & Co. Apri 28.THRKSHIiNG MACHINES, HoiS POWER, MILLS, Sic. npHE undersigned aro manufaciurt)oaiui JL will keep constaully on hand ut "tle shop iwoanda half miles west of An Arhor, nar the Rail Itoad, HORSE POv ERS anti THHESHING MACHINES The liorso power is a new invontion'w b. W. Foster, and is decidedly superior any thing of the kind ever before oflered to the Public. The pnce of a Four #or Potocr, vvith a go.od Threshing Machine i lcO .dollars, at the shop; vvithout tlie Machine, ninely dollars. These Ho. Powers can be used vvith two, ihree or W hurses to good advaniage. Tnree men with two hurses, can tiiesh one hundred bushela of vvheat per duy (if it yields middling wb)1 and it. wül not bi; hard work ibr Ihehoïséê The Hoi-se Power and Thresher can botht put in a comnion waggon box, and dmwa any distdoce by two horses. The Two Horse Poivcr will be sold at the shop, WitU the Thresher for one huntired dollars; wiih. out tlie 'Vkresher, tor seventy-five dollars. Tliey also manufacture STRAW CÜ'i1TERS, recently inyented by S. VV. Fosteu" which are decidudly preferable to any oihers for cutting straw or curn s'ialke, by horse or, water power. They also work by hand Price, fit teen dollars. - ALSO- CAST-IRON MILLS for grinding prOv ender, at the rate of six to eignt busneJs pet hour, with two horses or by water. - Also - ÖJSMÜT MACHÜNfBS of superior construction. Invtnicd by S. W. Fosteb Price, sixty dollars. S. VV.FOTER, kCo. Scio, June Ld, 1841. lü-ly M011TGAGE tí ALE. BEFAULT having heen made in the rondition ofa Slortgajre executed by Rufus Croátnan and Lucy his wifo, to the undersigned, January fifteonth, cighteen hundred and thirty eight, and Rucon ded in the Registers office, in ihc county of Washtonaw, in Líber No. seven, pagefhre hundred and one, of the equal undividedhalf of the "Sci Mili proporty," including the waler-power, Mills and Machinery.and fibout t went y fi ve acres ofland.aojoining the villaje of Scio, in eaid county, and lying on both sides ol' tíie River Hurón, together vvith tha rights of flovving lands covered by the tniR pond, (for a wore particular description of the premises, reference is made to the record of said mortgage,) and no proceedings at law having beRii instituted to collect the uebt eecüred by eaid Mortgage or any purt thereof. Noüce is hcreby given, that said Mortgage will be forncloeed by a sale of the mortgaged premises (or sorae part of theity"at public vendue at the Court Houso, m. Ann Arbor, in said county on the sixteenth day of November next, at noon SAMUEL W. FOS l'ER Mortgagee. KlNGSLEY & VlüRGAN, Atty's. Dated Scio, August 5Hh, 1841.YPS1LANTI AêADÊMY, AND TEACHERS' SEMINARY. H. GRIFFEN, Principal, whofor-ELJÉLO nierly had charge of the Teachers' Seminary at Ann Arbor, and also at Grasa Lake The sixth term of thia Institution will :ommence on Wednesday, THE 2-iTH DA Y OF NOVEMBER next, and continue eleven weeks. Whil tliis school is equully opea to all of both sexes, who wisb to acquire a good Enclisli education, particular atierítion will bo given to ttiose preparing to Toach. The Langua. ges not being taught n this Sominaryrthe more exclusive and uninierrupted attentiou will be given to iropart a practical knowledge of the English Branches. Appai'titus. - The Instiiuüon is furnished vviüi Chemical, Phüosophical and Astronomical Apparatuo, Surveying Instruments, &c. he amount of S8U0. Tuition. - In the Cornmon English Branches, gtfjüO. ín the Higher English Branches, from $4r 50 to S5,00. Extra Branches. - Mezzotinto and Chinese or Tbèörem Painting, $3,00 each, for 1L Le6sons, taught by Mus Guiffin. The tuition is to be paici at the middle of the term. No deduction for absence willbo made except for protractpd sickneps, and no one will bc received for kss ihan five and a half weeks. Board for $1,50 per week, including washing. Rooms inay be had reasonable, where persons inay board themsclvee). For furlher particulara enquire of tb Principal. Ypsilantj, Oct. 27, 1841. 27-8rTAU.OÍUNG BUSINESS! AM. NOBLE, vvould respectfully in fonti the ci'-izens of Ann Arborand its vicinity. lh:it ne lias recently opened shop in the Luwer Town, imnieciïately over the late mercaiitile eund of Lund fy Gibson. and opposite ihe ehoe 6tore of J. Becldejj k. Co., where lic is preparcd at all times to do work in his line, with promplness, and ift u neat snd durabie marnier. Particular attention will be pnid to cutting garments. Produce will be taken at the usual pricss, for work done ot his shop.- Those who have cash to pay for services of this kind, are particular invited to cali. p. S.- Wanted,a boy from 12 to IS yeari of nge, as an apprenlice to the Tailoring Business. Ann Arbor, Öctober G, 1841. ta"küñ""up BttY the subscriber, living i:i the town of ■H-JP Green Oak, Livingston County, on tho 5th of Octobcr, inst.. a daik brovra steer, two years oíd ; no other marks perceivable. The person, owning such steer, will como forward, prove propeny, pay charges and take In in away, othervvise he will be disposed of according to law. JOHN MONAHAN. Green Oak, Oct. 13, 1841. at . - Blank! Blaiaksü Blanfcsü! JÜST PRINTED, on fine paper and in a superior style, a large assortj ment of blank summons, subpeenas, Execö" tions, Sic. - For sale at this office.