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Extract Of A Letter From J. C. Fuller To Joseph Sturge. Desc...

Extract Of A Letter From J. C. Fuller To Joseph Sturge. Desc... image
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(CONSLUDEI) .) As my prudence and discretion had excited observation, T ventured to remark, that il would be a great gratificaron to tne if the slaveholders would meet together, and let me oecupy an hour or so in defining the truc position and principies of the abolitionists; but this, as I expected, was declined. When I paid the money, I feltconstrained to testify that I could in no degree sanction the principio that man could hold prop erty in man - but that the slaves wcre our equals by creation; and that for ihêïr salvation, equally with oars, did Christ leave the right hand of the Faiher to suffer on the cross. I told them that, contradictory as it might seem to them, the man who was now paying money for slavee, had such a detestalion of the system, that he deemed it a duty to abstain from eatingor wearingany of the products of slavery. This seemed to them wondroas strange, and they mquired if ihere were manyat the Norih whoagreed with me inthisscruple. I told them yes; that the number was increasing; and that my friend, Gerrit Smith, had abstained from slave products for many years. A few hou ra previous 'to my fi ïal departure, one after another gaihered around me, and as we stood on the open piazzaj said whatl could toexplain the principies and praclice of abolitionists. I think S. Worthington feit a little hurt at my being thus engaged;for when the stage drove up, he carne in great haste to inform me that it was ready. I found it surrounded by many persons, principally colored, who had assembled to bid farewe'll to the object of my charge. Their master shook eachBiave dv tne hand, and bade them farewell. I observed him, as we moved away, and ihought he seerced to be a good deal moved, from sorac cause or olher. I took care that the coachman and passcngers should be in'ormcd of iho history of Satn and his wife; and some one or other of them was sure to make it a subject of conversation wherever we stopped. At Lawrenceburgli, where we put up for the night, the landlord was alao stage proprietor and a slaveholder. He tried to make me believe that his slaves were much better off than himself. He enumerated his troubles and cares in contrast with the blessed freedom ironi care eajoyed by his slaves. I told him he had made out his case very wcll; but to test his sinceritv, I merely wished him to declare candidly, whether he should be altogether willing that hirnsftlf and family should exchange places with a slave family. The test was too severe, and ho walked off. Two young men at table then took up the conversation. The tyranny whieh slavery exercises over the entire community was illustratcd by the assertioo that thé head of a certain college did not dare to acknowledge himself au abolitionist; for if he did he would loóse his office, which brought him in a goodsalary; and moreover, the people of D would dismiss him from his pastorial charge. I, of eourse took the ground that he could not be a truly Christian minister who would purchase his bread and cheese at the expense ofdenyinghis own belief, or suppressing his own convictions. My host inquired whether I would si at table with colored people; and heseem ed much surprised when I answered, u ao not judge persons by their complexion but by moral worth. At my own table, ! sit with colored people, and Í shall witl these." The South, howevcr. is much more fre from prejudice againt color than the North provided the distinction between the class es is understood. A gentleman may sea his slave beside him in a stage coach, ant a lady makes no objection to ride nextfat nogro wimati,even when the thermometer is at l)Ü degrees; piovided always, I that her fejlöw travolcrs undorsiand she is her -jtroperfy. At Shelbyvillc, thcstige was likcly to i be crowded wilh new passengers, when I saidtosome youngmenwho were about to get in, that I had a iamily wilh mc,who must not bc turned ont of the scats they had Samuel and his family took their accustomed seats,and those who could not find room, rode on the roof of the coach - among them was a member electofthe Legislature. As we starled, a wèll-dressed man in the crowd at ihe tarvern door, cailed out, "Go it,aboütion l" A crowd at this place attracled my attention, and I found it was an Executor's sale: comprising lands, iiouses, furniture, horsee, cnws, hogs, and twenty likcly negroes. Sirves must, however, be a more cash arttcle ihan other commodities; for they wero to be sold on a four months credit, rea! estáte on twclve and' tweniyfoür months1, and all other property six moni ha. At Louisville, we feil in with Elisha, brolher of Samuel Worthngton,on his return to Arkanaas, where hc had a cotton plantation. Ho manifeste;! mueli openncss and good will,and pressingly invited me to vistt hini, shoiild I ever go down the Mississippi. Aftcr considerable tíonveísátion on slavery, he asked me what 1 thought would be the effect of my late visit. I replied it was a subject 1 had often contemplated myself, but I did not know whethcr it had ever entered the heads of othersFor my own part, I thought I had taught the slaveholders a lcsson. They niAintained ihatthe slaves did not want their freedom; yet here was one, well fed, well clothed, and in fact living in dover, s far as a slavc could do so, roady, without my a.sking him, to go with me among strangers. If he would leave such a kind mas(er, what might nof. be expected of the oppressed fieid hand? "Perhnps a quotation from Lntimer would furnish you a more direct reply to yourquestion,"said l. 'You know hesnid, at the stake, 'We shall this day, light such afire in England,as I tru.t,by God's arace will never be put out.' And I believe my visit has kindlcd a fíame of liberty in Harrodsburgh, that shall burn for years to come; and by is light, I trust that n;any will find their way into Cunada." I told him too, that I had a question fo ask, and I wnnted a direct answer, - yes r no. "Were the slaves any worso ofF, nee the question of abolition had been gitated?" He sad they were nnt, excep'ting iri nc respect. Formerly, whcu a preachrcame among them to hold meetings wilh ie slaves, they had no 'objection ; but now hey feared that slaves frohii different planalions might thus congrégate together and plot mischief. I asked him if the slaves in Miásissippi were awaio of aliolition effurts al the Northjand ho said he belived ïcy were.G]ítuicu un oamuei ai ijouisvuie, e taking the steamboat for Cincinnali, nd leaving him to nrocved to Worthinon's plantation for his boys. He stood nd watched the dcparture of our bout, vith a soul fuii of emotion. He feit himelf.á connceüng link between his sons in is tan t Mississippi,and his wifeand duugh erSjOii their wuy to Peterboro; and 1 was lad to see nature aud afleclioti gush forlh i feairs. They say colored peopje canot take care of themselves; but 1 assure lee I had hard work to rnako these pcole move a step, tiil a safe plan was aranged for their absent children. When I went to pay the Captain my iré, he asked whother the colored woraen nd girls we re my property. I answerd, yes; butexplained to him my peculiar ituation, and told himldetested the very name of sluvery. He said they usually sked for a reforencc, but he feit sure a )ersonofrny oppearance woutd not teil i falschood. Í teld hira I would show him a bilí of sale, as soon as the hurrv hád subsided, not because I acknowledged his ight to dctmnd i',Wut because he was civI and poüte, and i was vvilling to satisfy lim. When I showed him the bill, he ttiew both the seller and the witness as I lad expected. 1 asked him whelher, if 1 had brought a barrel of lard on board, he vould have troubledme to prove properly ? ia upologized, by saying they had been tnposed upt n by white men,whoput slaves on board uoder ihe pretencethuLthey yerv ree, and that the owners of the linu in.; been obliged to pay 0,000 dollars (W (ugiüvc slaves. 1 notiocd there were uü eolored hands on board. Oq arriving at Baílalo, we put up at the Mansion House; and the first object that caught my eye, was un ádvertisement, datec! LinuuxY, in Missouri, offering 300 dollars reward for three funtive slaves.jliiis is a iree state wiih a vcngeunce! JNo stage ridmg for colored people herej moro over, h was wiíh great difficulty I could obtum breakfust for ray companiunsihough I bad paítl for it. I hope abolitionists will keep ciear of such a proslavery atinosphere as surroiind.s the mansión House. On board the ears, colorphobia again began lo rage; bul the agent soon quelled it, by finding other seats for two persons whothuught betterofthemseives than others did ot'them. In the stage to Auburn diflicully again occurred, and the driver vvanted to refund my money, when snrac of the passengers objected to the complexion of my companions. I te ld him llie stage was loocrowded to hold us, at any event; but unless he sent us on to Aubura ín good season, I should teach the company u lesson thoy would not soon ibrget.-He did so, .nd I arrivcd sufoly al my own f liousc,nfier an absence oí' twcnty six days?, ' md a travel of 1865 miles. The wboie cost of redemption, includingour iraveling; expenses was 3,583,81. Alter two days rest, we proceeded to Grérrit Smith's; where, as thou, mayestl wcll believe, wo received the friendly welcome, which those are wont lo reeeivc who visit bis house. The anecdotc below, is orie of beat we evor read, iliustrative of Yankee shrewdnessand enturprise. Read it boys; all of: y ou, ond-you will be beneíited. ]f yon. ive nol all the "l'ankce boy," to ' get an interview with au Emperor, you may Icarn ;i lesson fít fur you and older folkg, from ii that perseverance wilt over-j ;.'orae almost any obsiacle lliat lies in your, way. Do sil duwn and read il; it is well told. Jt is from the pon oí that noble wo- man Lydia Maria Chüd. Yaííítec Enicrpt isc. "One day, a jad, appareritly about nine Ieen preenícd himself befare our ambas- dor at St. Petershurgh. He was a pure specimen of genus Yankee; with sleeves1 too short for his bqny arms, trowsers half-i way up bus knecs and hands plnying with, coppers and ten-penny naiis in h;s pocket.! lío iiiti'oduced himselfhy eaying, 'l've je&tj como uut bere to '.rade with a few Yankee nötions. atid I want to get sight of the Em- peror.' 'Why do you wish to seo him V 'l'vo broügbt him a present, ail the way; from Ameriky. [ respect him considera-; blo, and Í to get at h;m, to give it Ux him wilh tny own hands.1 Mr. Dailas stnüed as he nnswered, 'it is such a common thiog, my lnd, to make crowned heads ,1 present, éxpectitvg sorne thing hand.some in return, tbat Vm afraid the empèrer wil! consider tbia oaly a yanv kce trick.' Wbat have you broughi? 'An acoin.' 'An acorn! wbat undér the Bun induerd you to bring the Erapërer ofRussiii an ucorn ? 'Why. jaat beföre I saüod, mothcrami ï went on to VVosiiingion tosee abouta pension; and whön wo was ihure, we thoughl ! we'djest step over to Mount Vernon. ï picked up this ricorn tliere; and l ihought to myselt' ï'd bring it to :he emperor. - Thinks says I, he must have heard a con-; siderable deal a bout our General Washin ton,ünd I e.Yj.'eci ie r.iust admire uur inslitutions, So Dow you ses l've brought it, ntid I want to grit al htiYi.' lMy Ud, u's nöt an e;:fy rriaitcr for a Etrangcr tc appruach ihs Emperor; ahfi í aiiiüfraid ho vviü take no noiice o{' your present. Youhid betier keep it.1 'I teil you 1 uaiit. to have a tulk with him. I expecuhat ican teil hiüi a tbtrfgl or two aboiit Ameriky. 1 gucss he'd ükc rnigbty wel! lo !;t;;ir a bout uur r.iil roads, and our 'reo Bchools, nd wbal a big swol! our tteamors cuf. And wiu:n he héars liow well our peo[le are gfttiing on, may be it wül put hirn üptödqing sonaeíUihg. The long and iho short öo't it b, I S:h:iu"i be easy lili I get a talk wiih tliö ernperor, and I shouid iike lo see his wife anti ebüdren. Í want tosee how such folka bring up ft fumily.' 'Wel! sir, stnöe you are so deíermined upon it, I Wil! do what ï can for you: but you must expeet to be disappuinted. Tho' it wil! be raiher an unusual proceeding, I wou Id advise yoj lo cali on the vice-chancellor, nn;i etc.tu your wisbes, he niay possi'oly ussi'st you.' 'Well, tha l'ri ail I want of you. I will cali agaih, and let you knOw how j get OR.' In two or three days, heagain appeared, and said, 'Wel!, l've i-een the emperor, and had a tálk wiih htm. He's a rea! gentleman, I can teü you. Whe-n I give him the acorn, he snid he shouid set a gféal store by it; tffat there was no churacter in ancient or modern hislory that he admired so much, as he did our General Washington. He said he'd plant il in bis p'ttlace garden wilh his own hand; and bo did do it - for I see him with my own eyes. He wanted to ask me so much about out schoüls and rail-roads, and one thiög öt anolber that he invited me ti come again and sec his daugbters; for hc said his wil'e couJd speak better Ehglish ihaii he cculd. Sol went aguin, yesterday; and she's a firje, knowing woman, I teil you; and his daughters are nice gals.' 'What did the empresa say to you?' 'üii, .ha asked me a sight o' queslion3. ! Don't you tliink, she thought we had no áervants in Ameriky! I told her, poor i'ulks did their own work, but rich folks iiad plenty o' servants. 'But then you don'i cali 'em servants,' said she; 'you cali 'erc help.' ) guess ma'am you've been reading Mis. Trollop? says 1. We bad tha 1 ere book a board our ship. The cmperoi clapped bis hands, and laughed as f he't 1 kili httnsel.f. 'Ymi're rigbt, sir,' said he ; 'you're right. We sent for an Englisl I copy, and she'ff been reading it this verj i morningi' Tben I told him all Iknew a1 bout our country, and he was mighlilj ■ pleascd, He wanted lo know how lonj I expected to stay in these paris. I tok ! bim l'd iold all ibe notions I brought over ' and I gucséed I shouid go back in the sami i ship. I bid 'em good by, all round, anc - went about my business. Ain'l I had glorious time? I expeet you did'ut calcu r Ialo to pee me run such a rig?' 3 'No indeed, 1 did not, my lad. Yoi - may we!l consider yourself lucky ; for it' ' a very uneoinmon tiiing for crowned head f to treat a stranger with so much distinc lion,' A few cays afler, he called again, ani - said, 'I guess I shall atay here a í'cw daylongcr, Tra trealed so wélt. Tuher day a graad officcr cnmc to my room, nnd told tae the emperor had sent hún to show me all the curios! res ;índ I dreesed myseií',and j he took me with hun, in a niighty fine earriage, wilh fuur horscs; and l've been to J ihotheatrc and the museurn; und I expect J l've seen about all there is to be scen in , St. Petersburg!). V.'hat do you think oí ' ihai, Mr. Dallas? , It sccmed so incredible that u poor, ungainly Yankee lad shouid le thus luaded ; ilh uitentionsjtlii'.t thcambassador i ly knew wliai lo think or say. la a short time, Kia sirange visiter ' uppeared. Vell,' said he, 'I made up my tuind to go home; so 1 went to llíarik ihc ' emperor and bid, hiiti good bye. I thouyhi . I conld'nt do less hcl been sa ei v il. Says , he, 'ld (lerc any '.hing els youM iike to ] st-e, befóte yoü go back o Ameriky?' I í fold him 1 hould Iike to uet a cep al Mos cöwffoi1 Vd heard considerable about their setting fire to the Kremlin, and l'd read a deal about General Bonaparte; but it j would eost r eight o'inoney logo there,nnd : I wanted tocarry my earrimgs to mother. ! So I bid hirn good bye,nnd come oíF. Now i wfaái úo you guess be did, nextmornin? - [ I vow he sent the siune man n regimenj tais, lociury me to Mosco vv, in ooe oí' his I own carriages and bring me back agaiíi, when l'vo seen all I want lo see! And we're going tomo? row moriiing,Mr. Dallar. Wbat do you think now?' Andsurc enougb.lhe iícxí mbrning tho i Yankee boypased ihe ambas3ador's lioase iu h splendid cüacli and four, waying his handkerchief, and shouling, 'Good-byel - iGood-byel' j Mr. Diillas b.-arned from (he i emperor that al! tiiu parlVcuius relatedby i this adventurous yomh werc stricily true. j He flgain heard fi-.m him at Mosco w, j vvaited upon by ihe public officers, and treated wilh as rnucli alteo t ion as is usuaÜy bestowedon aínbassadors. The last tidings oí' him,reportcd that he ! was trayelihg in Circassia, and wriiing a I Journal, which he iútended to publish. Now, who but a Yankee could hav tione alllhát?