Publication Information
Will be piiblished every Wednesday mom ing in Aun Arbor, VVaahtenaw county, Michigan, by tlio Executive Cotmnittee, br the Michigan State Anti-tilavery Society, N. SULLIVAN, PRINTER. Terms. - $2,00 per anuum, in advance. $2,50 in six months. $3,00, if payment be delaycd to the close of the yeur. A strict sdherenco to the abovc terms will be obsorved in evory ense. OpNo paper will be discontinuod untilall arrearages are paitl. _L][} Advertisrments thankfully received and ioserted at tho usiiq! pricce in this vicinity. Any friend of liumanity desiring to aid thü cause of Liberty) is authorized to act as Agent. All remittances and all Communications designod for publication or in any manner relating to the "Signal of Liberly" will be hereafter addresscd (Xpost pauiD Sioïjal of LinEUTy; Jlnn Jlrbor, Mich." Oiu TravcÃJlüÃs asatl t,ocjÃ.S Ageaïtfi, Throughout the State, are especially reqüested to n0t1ce tue terms on whicq this l'apeu is publisiied. as it js expected thky will b1ake tueir collection9 and rkmittances in a.ccordance therewitu, in every ikstance. OF Ã.ÃBERTY. Wediacsiï, Novcanöer 10, 1841.
Signal of Liberty
Old News