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"all The Decency."

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-The follotvingesolution waa adopted at a meeting at the City Hal!, Detroit, on Thursday ovemng, y Messrs. Porter, Woodbridb, Howard, Síc. So eaya the Free Press. "Resolved, That we will "hearT' every oco foco who is soliciting the suflrages of he people, if it can be done by fair play; and that it wouid aftbrd us great pleasure osend John Norvcll and liis associates, to the "Gnunpian hills, Salt River, or some other far off región, &c." {tWe hope our Democratie frienda wil remember that the first principie of domocracy is to ESTABLISH JUSTICE."- This is eet forth as tho chief end and object of the Constitution. He that will not do justice to a black man, will surely do injus tice to a white man, if he can make gain by the act. This is rea6on enough for rcfusing to vote for such men for office.OWe once heard an agent for the American Board eay, that in soliciting íunds ir, a slave State, he called on a lady who was greatly interestcd in the cause of Missions, but who thought shö was too poor to give any thing. But on reflection ehe eaid, "I sha.ll sell one of my slaves in a few days, and I will give five dollars." Oberlin Evangelist, OThe "Tocsin of Liberty," is the title of a new Anti-Slavery paper published at Albany, devoted to the interests of the Liberty Party. It is intended to be a permanent paper, if sufficient encouragement ehall be received. OJThe colored population in the United States are rapidly rising in respectability and intelligence. There are now circulated among them five weekly papers, all edited by persons of' their own color. 07=The National Intelligcncer has recently discovercd that the Veto power is exceedingly odious to the people, and it goes for its ubolition. QCThe Union A. S. Convention, which met at Albany, Oct. 12, resolved to send the Emancipator weekly to the President of the United Statea. A good move. CThe population of Charleston, S. C, is 29,263- of whom 14.673 are sl&ves.