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The Census Of Maryland

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-A greatfus8 was made last winter at Washington under the pretext thal fraud or criminal negligence had occurred in taking the een sus of Montgomery county, Md. It was alledged that the nutnber was returned tnuch too low. Congreso was put lo nn expense of several thousand dollars in renumbering and re-printing, ar.d a dcputy marshal was indicted tor the fraud. On the trial, however, it was proved ihatthere had been no fraud. The Globe informs us of the reasons which were shown, why ihe census for 1840 feil so far short of 1830: "VVhen the census for 1830 was taken, there were about 3,000 hands a' work in the county on the Cheiapeake and Ohio Canul, who were ncludcd in it. Since lliat tune nbout 1.400 negroes have been sold, and taken from Ihe county. These, with other known minor causes, made about the diflference between the census for 1830 and the census for 1840." Fourteen hundred native Marylanders 'sold" by their neighbors itito hopeless slavery, under the laws of Maryland ! No wonder Maryland is poor. The curse of God will blight her prosperity until she repents and retrieves this wrong. Emancipator. To protect the weak is honorable; to oppress them mean. Which epithef beonga to the slaveholder.