For The Signal Of Liberty
SciiOOXCHAFT, NoV. 5th 1841. You will probably learn previous to the receplion of ibis letter the resuli of the election in this county. The liberty vote varies bat little from one hundred, an amounf, though much less than wus nnticilaicd yet wlien we recur to the fact that tbc Liberty ticket received less than 30 last fall, and behold the mliuences that has operaled against it we have much cause of encouragemenf. The whigs attributc their defeat in ibis counly, to th& movementa of the abolitionisls. It wül undoubtedly break the fetters of party from many who haveboen warmiy altachcd lo the whigSj and wül b-o the means of ! iivpiring thü ubolitionists wjth courage to move forward wiih coniidenco tostill great er achievements. Moirbelonging to both politica! pa i lies have airead y avowed their detenninaiion never to cast their votes with their respective parties again, but unite wilh the Liberty party never to forsake t until the irump of jubilee shall be souñded ihroughout the iength and the breadlh of the land. You may therefore reiy Uj)on a rapid accession to our nutubersin this vicinity. The agitation through the medium of the ballot box, has placed the abolitioa question fairly before the independent Yeomanry of the country, and they are canvassing and rellecting upon the sub- ject with a view of arriving at correct conclusions,and ',vho can doul)tof a favora ble result. A large noajority of those with whom 1 converged, admit that it isa ques tion of immense importance and onc that n)ust ere long be settled by a total extino tion of the evil we contémplate removing and their minds are evidently preparingfor politica! aciion upon the subject. We gave last fuli lövotes to the Lilierty licket in the town of Brady which was more llmn half that was recsived in the whole coun. ty. The abolition vote now stands at 35 in ibis town. Before another electiou the county of St. Joseph will probably move pohtically and prompt and vigorous action may bc cxpccted froin the abolitionists of ihat county. The town of Flower fiield which is situnted iu that part of St. Joseph joining Kalamazoo county, gave eleven votes to the abolition candidato for the State Seuate. It is stated that a inajority of the voters in that town will be prepared lor the political movement hereafter. In hnste I conclude. Yours with respect,