For The Signal Of Liberty
Dear Friends in the cause of Liberty: - I hasten togive you the result of election so far as known in this county. We have} had all sorts ofdifliculties to contend withj and have not done in ihe counlies as well as we should but for the difticulties. First, the nominations of the Senatorial Convention did not reach us and I have not yet heard who ere the nominees. I1 was laken II on the weekof that Convention, or I should huve attended it myself. Not hearing from that we concluded to go on with what we had nominated. I theref'ore forwarded the rest of the ticket toone of tho County Executive Commiitee at' Jonesvillc,some two weeks before election wilh Dslruclions to gel it printed and senl (o ihe severa I town commiltees. He was the treasurer of the liberty parly,and funds had been put into his hands for this purpose, but lest it should prove insuñicient I promised to be responsible for any extra expense &c. This man all supposed to be true. On Saturday last 1 sent for ibe tickets for our town,and late that nightj received word that our worthy Treasurer had backed out and could not conscienciously do any ihjug. So the tickets were not printed. It was then too late to inform our frieuds in other towns of the failure, but we knew what to do in Litchfield. - We wrote our tickets. This undoubtedly was a great loss of votes tpus,yet we taught the Slavery party a lesson, for we polled twenty-seven Liberty votes out of 130 polled in this town. Democrat 5G. Whig, 55, thus we could have turned the scale in this u wa. I havo not yet learned what our Adaiiis friends have done, and I pres sume the other towns have done nothing for liberty for want of tickets. lf we hnd received the Senatorial nomination ! and onr tickets had been printed and disa' tribuled 1 presume this county wuuld have! given the Liberty party wo hundred votes! Our Friends are greatly; encouraged forj although we have not done what we hopedi to do we have filled our opponents with amazement. Men who previously dealt in unkind epithets and pretended to know all about abolttion are now willing to treat' us with common civility, and lend their ears to hear about thal of w hich tbey knew nothing before.The apologista for slavery often reminnd me of the Proverbot' Soloraon, The foo! is wiser in his own conceit than teven men that can render a reason," This county has given about 100 Democratie mojority. I have no doubt the true friends of liberty are sufficient to turn the scale I as they ploase hereafter. We are deter-l mincd uot to be behitid hand at another election, but we shall commence imme-l diately lor another campaign. lf Providence pcrmit,there shali be Lecturers in every town in this county before spring. Last Autumn this town gave one vote for Liberty. That one brought forth 27 fold and that 27 must bring forth a spring erop. 1 think it would be wise policy to make' earlier nominations and form earlier our plans for we often loose in being too lace as in the case of our Senatorial ñora-, ination, Resoectfullv ouis.
R. B. Bement
Liberty Vote
Liberty Party
Old News
Signal of Liberty
R. B. Bement