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InPiiYMOUTU, Oct. löth, 1841, Corrikna Emblia Frauck, daughtcr of Henrt and Dkborah Lïon. She was bom, Marcli 25, 18L0, and manied August, 1837. In the spring of 1838, she experienced religión ata protracted meeting held at Plymoutb corners. She lived a consistent chrtstian and embraced the cause of humanity. Her disecase was that of consumption. She suffered extremely the last week that s!e lived. I was with her the last 24 hours; the night before her death 6he did not feel that ecstacy of joy that ehe wished. She requested thatJ would pray with her. I knelt down by her bed and recomraended her to God's grace in time and for Etern:ty. Soon after, ehe requested me to sing. I asked her if she was strll willing to live and suffer? - "Yes." Are you willing to die? "Yes, the Lord's will be done. I never can suffer enough." She conlinued through the day happy, patiënt and resigned. About five o'clock, wesaw that the hour of her departure was at hand. I asked her again of her state. Earth had receded, and heaven was in view. At five minutes before six, P. M. 6he feil asleep in the arms of Jesus, without a struggle or a groan. We truly feit that the room where she met her fate "was privileged above the common walks of life, quite in the verge of Heaven." She left a busband and one little daughter, with numerous relatives and acauaintances to mourn her loss; but their loss is her eternal ijain.