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tsamm ceimw ■ - - - - CAUTION. TSREL E. GODLEY, an indented apcount afhewill pay no debU of b contr.ctiuSfromthepre.emdaie.ALi)RoN NortUfield, Nov. 17, 1841. 30 Lw NEW GOODS. AGOOD nssortmentof most kinds of Goods that are neoded are now opcned and ready for display or sale, at the store brmerly occupied by Degraffk. Toivnscnd, n Ann Arbor, (Upper Town,) whicli will 1)0 sold to those who wisli to buy and pay money or altnost any kind of Produce, by F. DENISüN. Ann Arbor, Nov. 17, 1841. SOtf JV. B. Not knowing the pnces at which. Goods are sold in this región, I must request those who wish to k now if they are cheap to cali and examine forg then:sclves. Pork, Wheat and Butttr are taken in exchangefor goods and at fair pricos. F. D. DYE STUFF S. INDIGO, Madder, Alum, Coperas, &c. for sale cheap at Ann Arbor, (Upper Town,) by F. DENISON. CASH FOR WHEAT. F DENISON vvül pay caah for Whoat o on delivery ut his store. Ann Arbor, Nov. 17, 1841. The peculiarilies ol this tjnrmicai u-oropound, are owing to its evtrnordinary effects opon the animal fibre or nerves, ligamenta nnd muscles, He virtues being carned by Ihem tothe immediate seat of diseaso, or ot pain and weakness. However good any interna! remedy may be this üb an external application, vvill prove a powerful auxiliary, in removing the disease and faciliiating the cure, in case of Local Inilammation, Scrofaloua .Affcctionp, King 3 Evil Gout, Inflaraatory, and Chronic llheumatism, and in all casea where seated pain or 7pnknfi9a exists.A gentlemen travelling m the boutn 01 Europe, and Palesline, in 1830, heard sa tnucli aid in ihe latter place, in praisO of Jew David's Piaster; and of the (as he considered) miraculous cures it performed, tha ho was induced to try H on his owo person, for a Lung and Liver affection, the removal of which had been the chief object of his jonrney, but which had resieted the genial ínfluence ofthat balmy and dclicioua chmote.- He put over the región over the livor; in the mean time ho drank freely af an herb tea of laxaüvé quolities. He soon found his health iraproving; and in a fevv weeks his cough left him, the sallowness of his skin diBBppearcd, his pain was removed, nd hia i health became pcrmancntiy re-mstatcd.It has likewise been vcry beneficia! in ca;es of weakness, such as wcakncss and pain n the stomach, wcak limbs, lamenese, and ïffections of the spine, fcmale wealsness, J-e. No female subject to pain or weakness in tho back or side should be without . tt. Married ladies, in delicate situations find great re heflrum constantly wearwg thw piaster. No nuffin?, orgrcat notonous certifícales ,b iotendedr Those who to 6at18fy themsefves of the eilïcacy of thw p aster, can obtain suflicient to spread 6 or 8 p-asters for 50 cents, a sum not half suflicient to pay for theTnsertionofasingle certifícate inlo any , of our most common prints, a singlo ime.This trifiïag price per box is placed upon it, in order that it inay be witnin the means of ëve y afflicted aonor daaghter of the com munfty hat all, whether rich or poor, may, Ttain ile treasuro ofhealtb, resulta frnm itS USe. " .Jew Duvid'a or Hcbrew Piaster, ia a eertaiDirccUons accompany each box. Price F. Hall, Leoni ; G. G. Grewcll, GrassLakej Keeler b Power, Concord. Ann Arbor, May 12 1841" MORTGAGE SALE. fSOXEFAULT having been made in the JljJy paymem of a cerCain suru of money, secured by mdeitlurc of fnortgage. oxcculed by Barney Davanny to Jacob L. Larzslere and George B. Daniels, djitëd, July the 21st, A. 1). 1337, and recorded in the registór's oöice in ihe county of Wasli- tenaw, AJïchigan. on the 28tli day of August, in the year of our Lrd one ihousand eiglit hundrcd and tliirty-scvcn, ín libor tive of mortgagea at pugö two hundrtd and eigJity-thrce, whereou ia due at the date of this notice two hundred and eight dollars aiui forty four cents, which suid inortgage bas ben duly assigned to the subsciibcr. Notice I3 the re ture liereby gi.VLii that on Thursday the third day uï Februory ncxt, at oiic o'clock, p. Mm at the Cotirt House in the village of Ann Arbor, iri thecouniy of Waslitenaw, will be sold at public nuction the premises ia eaid mortgage described, being all that certain piece or parcel of land situare ia the county oT Washtenaw, State of íVíicliigan and bounded and described as ollows: it being the west half of the southwc'st quarter of' section nuinber seven, in township number one Eouth of range number four east, containing eiglity one and thirty one hundreuth acres of land. FRANCIS jVi'CONIN, Assignen. L. II. Hkwetï, Attorncy. Dated Nov. lst 1841.IN ATTACIIMEiXT. In attachmont, befare C. W. Lane Justico. Wiliiam Sperry. i vá. VVashtenaw county, es. Carlos Joslin, } AN. altaehment having1 iesued in the above entitled cause, and tiie defendant not havingappeared at the return thereof; notice is tliereibro hereby given tliat tlie said cause cause is continued to the ljjih day of November next, at one o'clock in the aficrnoon, at the office of the said justice in the village of Ypsilanti, in said counly. VVILLIAM SPERRY. August 4, 1841. L7-4v Produce of cvery öescri jtiost HECEIVED in payment for Job work, .a Advcrtising and Subscriptions to the 'Signai, of Lieerty," f deüvered at the Olïice, itnmediately over the Stjre of J. Beckley, U Co. ipri 28.THIIESHING MACHINES, HORSE POWER, MILLS, ikc. THE undersigned aro manufacturingandj will keep coDstunlly on hand at their' shop two and a half miles west of Anni Arhor, near ihe Rail Road, HORSE POVV-' ERS andTHREoHING MACHINES.- The horse power is a new invention byj S. VV. FoSTKn, and is djckledly superior toj any thing of the kind ever before offered toj the Puliüc. The pnce of a Four Horse Power, with a good Threshing Machine is 1 lïiO dollars, at the shop; without the Machine, nincty dollars. These Horse Poivers can be usecl wilh two, Iliree or four: hiorsea io good adv'antage. Three men with ; two horsea, can thresh one hundred bushels of wheat per day (u it yieüls midilling welJ,) and it.will not be liard work for the horses. The Horse Power and Thusher can botli be put in a cointnoii waggon box, and drawn any distance by two horses. The Two Horse Power will be soid at the ehop, wilh tlie Thresher for ouo !iuni!red dollars; without the Thresjier, for sevenly-five dollars. '; They also manufacture STRAW CCJTTERS, rccently inventcd by S. VV. Fostku,; whicli are decidédly prëferable to any oihers: tbr cutting straw or corn stalks, by horse or water power. They also work ly hand. - ■ Pnce, íií'lecn dollard . -ALSO- CAST-IRON iNJlLLS for grinding provender, at the rate of six to eigiit bushcls per liour, with two horses or by water. - Also - OSIUT MACHINES of superior construction. Invenied by S. W. Koster. - Price, sixty dollars. S. W. POTER, & Co. Scio, June 23, 1841. 10-lyM011TGAGE SALE. OERAULT having heen made in tlie Jid-P coudition of a Mortgagc exocuted by Rufus Crostnan and Lucy his wife, to the uhderaigned, January fifleenth, i teen hundred und tliirly eiglit, and Recprs ded in the Registers office, in llie county of Washtenaw, in Libcr No. seven, pagethree hundred and one, of the cqual urulividcd tialf of the "Scio Mili property," including the waier-powcr, Mills and M;chinery,and about twenty five acres of land.aojoining the village of Scio, in said county, and lying on both sides of thé Rivcr Huron, togethcr vvith the righ's of ilowing lands covered by the niill pond, (for a more particular doscnpüon of the preniisesj reference is made to the, record of said mortgago,) and no proceedings at law having benn institutcd to colle'ct tiie secured hy said Morigage or any part thnreof. Ñotice is hereby given, that said Mort- gage will be lbreclosed by a eale of the mortgaged preniiees (or sume part pf them al public vendue at the Court House,' in Ann Arbor, in said county on the dny of November next, nt noon. SAMUEL V. FöS'ÏER Mortgagee. & VlouGAN, City's. Dated Scio, Aufjust Sih, Iö4l. YPSILANTÍ ACADEMY, AND TEACHERS' SEMINARY. MI!. GRIFFEN, Principal, vvl;o tbrO merly lmd charge of the Teachers' SëmTriary at Ann Arbor, and also at Grass LaK-e. Tlie sixth term of tliiá InstUution will commeuce on Wednesday, THE 24TH DA Y OF NOVEtMBER nextj ;md continue eleven weeks. hile lilis school is equnily open to all of both sexes, wlio svisli to acqune a good English cducaüon, particular attention will be given to those preparing to Tcach. The Languages not being taught in this Seminary, the inore cxcl.usivc and uninlerrupled attention vill be given to impart a practical knowledgeof the English Branches. Apparalus. - The Instilution is furnished witli Chemical, PJiüosoptiical and Astronomical Apparatus, Surveying Instruments, &c. k.c. to he amount of S30Ü. iTuilion. - In uie Common Lngitsb Branches, $3, 50. I In the lligher English Branches, from $4, 50 tP $5,00. Extra Branches. - Mpzïotinto and Chinese or Theorem Paintmg, $ü.00 each, for 12, Leéspnsj Mits Griffin. The tuition is to bc paitl at the middle of the term. No deduction for absence willbe made except for protracted éiekheea, and no one will be received ior less than five and a half weeks. Board for $1,50 per week, including wa.-shing. Rooms may be had reasonable, where persono niay board theinselves. , For furlher particulars enquire of the Ypsilanti, Oct. L7, 1841. 7-3 TAtLORING BUSINESS! AM. NOBLE, would respectfully in-' forin the citizcns of Ann Arbor and its vicinity, that he has recently opened a 6hop in the Lower Tovvn, imuiediately over, the late mercantüe Btand of Lund 'Gibson, ; and opposite the shoe sture of J. Beckley,' ti Co., where lie is prepared at all times to do u-ork in his line, witli promplness, and in a neat ruid durable rnanner. Particular attention will be paid to cutting garments. Produce will be taken at the usual prices, for work done ot Jn's shop.- Those wlio have cash to pay for services o: , this kind, are particular invited to cali. P. S, - Wanted, a boy from 12 to 15 years j of age, os an apprentice to the. Tailoring Business. Ann Arbor, Octobor G, 1841. tf i TAKEN ÜP ! ffl Y the subscribir, living i:i the town of M2 Green Oak, LivingstonCounty, on the ' 5ih of October, in6t.. a dark brown , steer, two years od; no other marks , ceivable. The person, owning such steer, will come forward, prove property, pay charges and take hun away, otherwise he will be disposed of according to latv. JOHN MONAHAN. Green Oak, Oct. 13, 1341. lïïïiüïIiH Blank ! ! Blank ! ! ! '- "HTUST PRINTEi), on fine paper and Í &W in a superior style, a large ssort ] nent of blank sumraons, subpeenas, Execu1J tions, &tc. - For sale at this office. HAS BEEN COWPILED FROM TIIE LONDON PICTOR1AL BIBLE; WHICH SELLS IN TUIS COUNTRY ÍOU. % TO. S25 PER COPY. Every man, woman and child in tke United States, who posscss a Bible, will surely furnia h themselves wilh Ihe Jollowing heautiful series of Scripture IUuslrations. SECTORIAL XLLUSTRATIONS OF THB J31BL1Í, AND VIKW OF THE HOLY LAND. JVVw, cheap and valuable ptiblicalion.- Four hundred pages, 8 vo. fine paperjiandsoinely hound. l'rice only TWO 1)01 LAIíS. Tho Biibscribor íespoclfully n_ vites the altention of Clergymcii, Teachers of Sabbiith Schools, lleads of Fainilies.and J3ool;sellcrs ilironghout he United Ütate8,to theaboveNew, Clieap and splendid!y lllustrated work. Published and íbr sale at Np. Iü2, Nassau strcot, New York city. lt8. i'ealures are bettpr define d by tlie tille:- Tico hundred Pictorial Illustralions oftlit BCftlPTURES, COrvSISTUNG OP VIEWS IN THE HOLY LAND} Together vviUi many oí' the inost rcmarJíableohieets raentioned in the oíd and newmente, lepiesenung sacreu nisioncai cvenls, copied from celebratcd pietures, principallyby the old maslers. the landscape scènes, taken from original sketches made on the epot, vit!i full and inleresting leücrpress-deseriptions, devoted to an examinatiou oL the objects mèiitióned in the sacred text. On xdmihation this will he íbunda very p'.casant and proü'table book, especialiy for Ihe pêrusal ot'YouNG Peovle, aboundiugin ihe tuost valuable inibrniation, coltucted with great care, from the best and latest soiircee. It may, very pruporly, be designated acoranion place buok for every thirig valuable relating lo oriental manners, cusioms, kcand comprises wiihin Uselfa complete library of religious and uscful knowledge. A volume like the present, ia fur superior to the com mon Annuuls - it will never be out of date. lt is beautifully printed in new long primer type - handöoinely bound in Muslin, gilt and lettcred; and is dfccidedly,the best and cheJl pest publication (for the piice,) ever issfl ironi the American Press. (CThe ubove work may be had at the Buok store of Dea. Chas. Mosely, one door west of the Lafayette House, Ann Arbor. A liberal discount made to wholeeale purchasers. Persons in the couiilr)', wishing to act as agenta, may obtain all the necessary 'm forination, by addressing their letters lo the subscriber, No. 122, Nassau street, N. Y. ROBEKT SEARS, Publisher.t'lergyniun, bupenntcndante and leach. ers of sabbath schools, agente of rehgioua newspapcrs and periodicals,postinasteis nnd bookseliera, ihroughout the country, are re- speclfully requested to cl as our ngents. No letter tviH be taken from tlie olüce unlcss post paid. To Publishers of Papers ihroughout the United States. - Newspapers or iV] a'azines, copying the abovc entirc aii-hout iuiy .aller- ation or abridgem?nt (fncluding this r.otice,) and giving it Í2 inside ii)strtions, sliall rucoive a copy óf the work, (subject to their order.) by sending directiona to the Publisher. 2912 THE Publishers of the New York Tribune, cncouragcd by the generous patronage and hearty approval which has been extended to their Daily paper since its establishment, and which has already rendered ittho second in puint ot' circulation in the city, propere to publish on and afterthe l8thday of September, a Weekly edition on a sheet of rnarnmoih size, cxcluding all matter of a local or transitory interest, und calculated mainly for Country circulation. The Tribune - whether in ts Daily or Weekly edition - will be wlmt its name imports - an unflinching supporter of' the Peo ple's Rights and interests, in stern hostility to the errors of superficial theoriöls, the inlluence of unjirst or imperfect legislalion, and the scheuis and sophistries of self-seekïng deruagogues. It will strenuously advo cate the l'rotection of American Industry, against the grasping, aid to us, hWghting policy of Europeau Govornments, and the uncqual competition which they force upon us, as also, against the present depressing system of State Prison Labor. It will udvocats the resloration of a sound and uniform Na ional Currency; and urge a discreet bu determined prosecution of Internal Ioiprovcment. The Retrenchment, wherever prac ticuble, of Government Expenditurea and of Executive Patronage, will be zealously urged. In short, this paper will fuilhfully main tam and carnestlv advocate the Principios and Measures which the People npprovcd in devolvingon VVhig statesmen theconduct of their Government.Bul a small portion, however, of its columns wijl be devotcdto purely Pohtical dis. cussions. The proceediugs of Congress will be carefully recorded; the Forejgn and Do, mesiic inlc!!iience early and iucidly presentí ed; and whatever shall appear calculated to pri-mote niorality, maintaiti social order, ex tem] the blessings of education, or in any way subserve the great cause of human pro gress to ultímate virtue, liberty and happiness, will lind a place in our columns. The Weeldy Tribune will be published evcry Salurday morning in Qnarto form, oa a very large imperial sheet, (31 by 42 inches,) and afforded tosubscribers atTWO DOLLARS a year. Six copies will be forward ed a year for Ten Dollars. Ten copies for fifteen dollars, and any larger numbcr ir. tno latter proportion. Payment in advance will be invariably requiied, and the paper slopped whenever the term of such payment expires. Subscriptions arerespectfully soüciteil by GREELY fe McELllATH, 30 Ann-st. New York, August 17, 1B41. Editors of weekly Journals wbo desire an exchange with the Tribune are requested to give this Prospectus au iuüertiou in tbew columns. BLANKS of every description neatlj exccuted at tl) is oOic-e-, Aon Arbor, May 15, 1841.