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A Proclamation

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Whereas the 6eason is approaching when, ccording to a wise and Jong establised cusom in tlus several states in tliis Union, ït is isual to Eet apart a day for Pnblic Thanksjiving and Prayer to Almigtity God. And whereas, public demonstrations of 'ralitude for sigual and unmeriied blcssings Ire enjoined by tlio most irapressivo conjidoraüonsof patriotism and the most eolemu abligations of religión - Now, Üiercfore, I, James Wright Goudon, Acting Governor of the state of Michigan, do by these presents appoint Thursday THETWENTY-FIFTH DAY pP NOVEMBER NEXr,asa dny of Public Thanks giving and Prayer. And J do hereby recom mend to. all the people of ihis State that thev uieët toe-ether on that day, at theirpective places of public worshipi and offer Thanksgiving unto God and pay their vowa to the Most High Cot the numberless s anc' bcneñts vouchsafed to us during the past year, for all our civil and religious, social and domestic cnjoyments; for that he lias obundantly rewarded the labors of the Husbandman- averted the ravages of dieeaee - continued the blessings of peace--ameliorated our condition as a pcople, which the cvil consequencea of our own folly, ignorance aud sin had but too signally murked - and abuve all that our beloved country íáillu minod by the bright beams of the Sun of llighteousncss. And' alpo, that we, with deep humility, confess our &ins and acknovvlcdge our unuortliiness, and, in the name of our Redeem er, present our petitiona for a continuanco of Divine favors, that He would be merciful to h8 poople and bleea them with-reasing knowledge. punty and loye, ana hatall the enda of the earth may worship ütn in spirit and in truth, in revercnce and iodiy fear, In testimony tvhereof, I have hcreunto jubecribed tny name, and cause to be affix cd the Grcat Soal of this State, üonc at Detroit, thie twonty eighth day of Octobor, in tho ? year of our Lord one thouaand t S' eight hundred and forty-one, and vw oí the Indcpendcnce of the United States the sixty-sixth. By the Acting Governor, J. VVRIGHT GORDOJV. Taojias Rowlasd, Secretary of State.